but The News from The Other McCain is always delightful
And a h/t to Felicia Cravens for This bit of news about Matthew Boyle (formerly of The Daily Caller)
And here is Matthew Boyle explaining why he is joining the #WAR on Andrew Breitbart’s side
Grover Norquist predicts a massive Second Wave for the Tea Party is yet to come
Apparently Obama likes #BaghdadDebbie as Democrat National Committee Chairwoman
h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom on her entry “I think I might have spooked Rauhauser”
And now the latest in the #BrettKimberlin issue: DreadPirate Kimberlin vs. the rules (from Hogewash)
#BrettKimberlin 2: Dread Pirate #BrettKimberlin 101 (from Hogewash via The Other McCain)
And for those of you wondering why I am posting a lot about Brett Kimberlin, check out this video from Lee Stranahan
And a couple of good articles from Tony Katz: Grassroots Will Take On GOP and Hank Johnson: End Free Speech To End Private Enterprise
And that is all for the news for now. If you enjoy the news and rants, then hit the tip jar and also follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974).