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Thursday, February 14, 2013

It’s a Thunderous Thursday

And here is The News to keep you updated

Also, check out InstaPundit, Drudge, and The Layfield Report for more news

And in case you missed it, here is news from Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday from The Other McCain

Robert Stacy McCain is an in-depth reporter. Don’t believe me? He is the only one this week to pull the curtain from around the Obama spin machine to reveal that it is nothing but a bucket of bolts

One thing I like about Robert Stacy McCain, Smitty, Wombat, and The Other McCain is that they bring you the news that the others refuse to touch. Here are a couple other examples:

Outside of the news entries on The Other McCain, there is a lot of news elsewhere

h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her wonderful op-ed today entitled The Grim Reaper cometh...and his name is Obama

h/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his piece today entitled Giving Obama’s SOTU the BIRD!

h/t to the esteemed W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his unraveling of #TeamKimberlin.

Another good thing about Mr. Hoge I like is that he always has a report on Chavez (aka Obama Lite) on his deathbed. So far, as of this writing, Hugo Chavez is still vertical

h/t to Melody Kite of Perfection Under A Red Umbrella for her coverage on Chris Kyle's Memorial Service

h/t to Jackie Wellfonder of Raging Against The Rhetoric for her piece on Watchdog Wire launching a Maryland site

Last Saturday night, MatchCon came back to Own The Narrative. If you missed it, there is a podcast available. I should have the panel for this Saturday’s edition of MatchCon at 10 PM Eastern ready by tomorrow’s news entry

And of course, you can also catch the podcast of Red, Right, and Blue from last Saturday as well if you missed it. And do not forget to catch Red, Right, and Blue this Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern as I will be talking with Gerald Harrison of The Watchman’s Corner on how politics and religion go hand in hand.

And that is all the news that is news. I will be posting more news on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) and also on my Facebook if you want more. And also do not forget to check out my Conservative Blog where I am starting a series on how the war now is not Conservatism vs. Liberalism but rather Alinsky vs. Breitbart. This series will also be the editorial on my Saturday show.

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