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Saturday, November 23, 2013

It’s the Weekend

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday, Wednesday and Tuesday as well

Apparently Muslim Warlords decided they had not been talked up more, so they decided to resort to genocide to get noticed once more

Caution: hate troll sockpuppets invading the internet

Not all crazy people are dangerous (I know I am not) but those on the left are

Here is a George W. Bush hater’s grassy knoll

I think some trolls had gone to the liberal school of spelling

Harry Reid is a pederast and also a Senate non traditionalist

Conservatives do not hate their moral superiors as much as the moral superiors hate conservatives

After reading this article, I will go out and have a McRib.

Be careful of people who claim to be community liaisons

Update: Roger Shuler is still a kook

Alec Baldwin is so bad that not even MSNBC will take him back

We have liberal academia at its finest in the form of an English Teacher at a University who cussed at a GOP Congressman

Is sarcasm therapy a cure?

Why did a Virginia State Senator’s son stab him, then commit suicide? We will never know.

Here is an update of the Virginia State Senator who’s son stabbed him, then committed suicide

And now for your worst TV network of the year: Al Jazeera America

Do you claim to be a goddess of a train? Then you are covered by Obamacare

There is a hashtag entitled #TexasWomenForever, but they are really baby killers who are trying (and failed) to raise money online

Speaking of baby killers, Amanda Marcotte is in the news

By the way, those unemployment numbers declining before the 2012 election? They were falsified

Ever since I left Chicago, it has turned into douchebag central

Michelle Malkin rips up Education Secretary Arne Duncan #LikeABoss

f/t to Jeremy Lott for giving us a good man in Robert Stacy McCain 

f/t to Wombat Socho for his Rule 5 post of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed of today entitled On judges, ObamaCare and the nuclear option...issues joined at the hip

Diane also had a good op-ed yesterday on JFK’s presidency, calling him anything but today's Democrat

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as the quote of the day

f/t also to Mr. Hoge for inserting me in his links list

Mr. Hoge also says that there is nothing to see with Obamacare and that we should move along

f/t to Howard the Bluegrass Pundit for posting a wonderful tweet from Rep. Steve Stockman on the Bluegrass Pundit

f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for his post on JFK marking the 50th anniversary of his assassination

f/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for giving us a brand new song by U2

Becca also gives us the truth of the judicial appointments that Obama sent to the Senate

What did Hillary Clinton say about the nuclear option when she was in the Senate? Becca gives us the scoop

And that is all the news that is news for today. I will be on the air with the #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio tomorrow afternoon at 4 PM Eastern, spinning the music you want to hear, so go to and let me know what you want to listen to. And for more news, follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) as I retweet some news here and there from PJNet. And if you like what you read, feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.

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