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Saturday, October 26, 2013

It’s The Weekend

And here’s The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday, with linkagery (due to Wombat Socho having a visit from the little Wombatette) from Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday

Thanks to The Other McCain, someone won over the hearts and minds of the Tweeps

Obama wants to turn us into a bigger Police State than we already are

I wrote about it here (with a crosspost here) but this is the blog entry that got me ranting and raving: How and why #Shutuppery works

I think Smitty is on to something with a remake of the classic 50 Shades of Grey series: 50 Shades of Liberal

f/t to Smitty for his parody of the famous Jack Nicholson quote from “A Few Good Men”

I can see Smitty on American Idol with this song in tribute to the drunken lefties 

Gee, I wonder if I can get hired by the Obama Administration to fix their ObamaCare website. After all, I know basic HTML. (/snark)

Robert Stacy McCain posts of another Liberal in trouble. Not a politician this time, but a blogger

I did not know Shepard Smith of Fox News was gay, but given his looks even I have to shudder at this article

The fact that celebs are shilling for the left is nothing news. Now they just have a better name

The main difference between the media on the Left and those on the Right is that the Left think it is all about them

Robert Stacy McCain is right: Bad causes attract bad freaks

The left is all about normalizing the abnormal

Robert Stacy McCain is right. Sexual savagery is the new normal

It seems that even Hitler has a reaction to Kimberlin hitting the right wing blogosphere with a RICO lawsuit. (f/t  an entry on Hogewash)

Robert Stacy McCain had written a lot on #TeamKimberlin this past week. Here is what follows:

Want to make a difference in Michigan? Read about The #JoinMiTeam Campaign

Another week, another story of the youths of America going after teachers

Apparently the White House is engaging in Twitter Trolldom now

Here is more on the ObamaCare website failure

Democrat CongressCritter Henry Waxman (California) is having delusions of grandeur in regards to Sebellius doing a good job

Robert Stacy McCain has some advice as to why we should not argue with Liberals

Robert Stacy McCain advises us to steer clear of atheist sex offenders

Never heard of a Pro-Pedophile author before? Well you do now!

Some parents are so low that they resort to selling their own children in order to get high

f/t to the Wombat Socho for his FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news elsewhere in the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed from yesterday entitled And so it continues…on and on ad-nauseum

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

I’m a Man! I’m 41! has a very interesting piece on Must Listen! Mark Levin: You Should Be Disgusted By Obama Telling You What You ‘CAN KEEP’”

The people at Free Radical Network have a good piece on The ObamaCare Minefield

Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom is breaking a story on Ohio governor John Kasich forcing additional Medicaid spending in Ohio

f/t to Wayne Dupree of The News Ninja Blog for his article entitled Team Ninja plays part in helping Sean Hannity locate fired ObamaCare Worker who “Just wanted to help people”

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his prevarication du jour as well as his Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also speaks on the bomber suing bloggers

f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for his article on the sad state of Europe

I was on the air with Eclipse Radio this past Sunday, and will plan on being on again tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern. In case you missed it, click here for my playlist

And that is all the news that is news for today. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for more news as well as some good music. And if you like what I am posting, feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.


f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

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Monday, October 21, 2013

77th Rant: Get In The Fight

There are certain posts from The Other McCain which do not really stand out to me to merit their own blog post. And then there are rare gems like this one from Robert Stacy McCain:

From the perspective of the neurasthenic weaklings who now run Republican politics, anyone who wants to stand up and fight for principles is considered a troublemaker. Ted Cruz? Mike Lee? Rand Paul? No, the GOP leadership doesn’t want to elect people like that. They want smooth-talking sellouts like Lindsey Graham and good ol’ boys like Mitch McConnell who understand that the job of Republicans is to “compromise” by giving Democrats everything they want.

Well, who in their right mind would fight on behalf of a such a party? Who would risk their reputation, their comfort, perhaps even their livelihood, to defend the Republican Party, when the party itself is run by wimps who only care about their own re-election?

Think about this: When Lady Liberty and Sister Toldjah came under fire by North Carolina Democrats, did anybody in the North Carolina GOP apparatus stand up for them? Hell, no.

You cannot win in political combat by continually retreating. If you ever hope to win, you must first determine to fight. And once you’re in the fight, you must never stop fighting until you win.

Please read the whole thing. Now for those of you who have been following me, whether through my writings or my online talk show Red, Right, and Blue, you will know that I had brought up something like this when I first said that I would go through the Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries that Andrew Breitbart had talked about in his wonderful book Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save The World. Andrew’s very first rule in the Primer was “Don't be afraid to go into enemy territory” and it is wise words to live by in order to win the war. This is one quote from the Primer that Andrew mentioned:

The army of the emboldened and gleefully ill-informed is growing. Groupthink happens, and we have to take it head-on. We can't win the political war until we win the cultural war. The Frankfurt School knew that - that's why they won the cultural war and then, on it's back, the political war. We can do the same, but we have to be willing to enter the arena. By neglecting The View or, worse, by ignoring Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Maher, and David Letterman - we allow them to distort and demean us as they romanticize and elevate themselves. It's harder to attack people to their faces than behind their backs. and we have to confront them face-to-face. Young people suckle at the teat of pop culture - but by refusing to fight for their attention, we lose by default.

Our most articulate voices, likable faces, and best idea-makers need to go into hostile territory and plant the seeds of doubt in our ideological enemy and the apolitical masses who simply go with the media flow. Our babysitter has an Obama bumper sticker on her car, but admits she knows nothing about politics. How did that happen? It's what the complex tells her to do to be cool. We have to use their media control against them by walking into the lion's den, heads held high, proud of who we are and what we stand for.

The reason the Progressive Socialist Left has their collective claws in our society is because they had infiltrated the culture (talk shows, music, TV, media, movies) and dictated how America should think from there. Then after they won the cultural war (or the war for the hearts and minds of people) then they won the political war. We need to do the same. Andrew was right. By refusing to fight for the attention of young people who suckle at the teat of pop culture, we lose the cultural and then the political war by default.

When I gave my own editorialization of Andrew’s Pragmatic Primer, I said something which we ALL need to take to heart:

Back in 1994 or so I had read a book by InterVarsity Press (a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship) entitled Out of the Saltshaker & into the World by Rebecca Manley Pippert. The book deals with evangelism. However, after reading Andrew’s Pragmatic Primer Rule 1, I also thought of this because just as Get out of the Saltshaker dealt with getting out of the church and into the world, what Andrew is saying is our best and brightest conservative minds need to get off of Fox News and conservative talk shows and go on shows like Piers Morgan, Hardball, Meet the Press with David Gregory, The Daily Show with John Stewart, Real Time with Bill Maher, The View, and others to get our word out there. While most of us are not of the caliber to go on those shows, there is one way we can do it. We need to actually go and engage the culture in the malls, the parks, anywhere we can.

When I was involved in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship back in 1993 and 1994, one person would always point to the door before he left the meeting and say “The mission field is right out that door there.” His basis for that was from the Bible where in Isaiah 6:8 God asked “Whom will I send, and who will go for us?” and Isaiah said “Here am I. Send me.” I am here to say that the battlefield for the hearts and minds of Americans, nay, the WORLD, is the Internet as well as right in our own backyards. The question is will you stand on the sidelines and retreat to the safety of Fox News and conservative talk shows, or will you get out there and join in the fight?

Read my entire editorial here. The same question I asked at the end of my editorial in March is just as applicable in October.  Will you stand on the sidelines and retreat to the safety of Fox News and conservative talk shows, or will you get out there and join in the fight?

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

It’s The Weekend

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday and Wednesday

Robert Stacy McCain has a wonderful entry on adoption over abortion

Apparently Cultural Marxism wants to normalize pedophilia, using Kaitlyn “#FreeKate” Hunt as a model

How can you get Brett Kimberlin to sue you? It is easy if you follow this guide by Robert Stacy McCain

Apparently Kimberlin is the world’s worst pro se litigant, but he keeps trying

And Bill Schmalfeldt keeps embarrassing himself. Want proof? Here it is: Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Humiliates Himself in Maryland Court

Want to see the Kimberlin lawsuit for yourself? Here is the entire 48-page document

Smitty has a fitting tribute to Senator Mitch McConnell

Schmalfeldt had invited Robert Stacy McCain to sit down for an interview. Here is Stacy's reply

It would seem Schmalfeldt is a habitual liar

Robert Stacy McCain wrote an interesting piece entitled You're Not Angry Enough

Here is more #FreeKate Moonbattery: They are now arguing for consensual sex with 9 year olds

Are you a fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? A real-life one might be coming to your city soon and in your school

Schmalfeldt knows he is doomed to hell, but he keeps spouting out lies and conspiracy theories

Want to know how VA Gubernatorial candidate REALLY feels about ObamaCare? Check this out

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere on the Blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-Ed entitled It’s time for some serious TEA

Diane also wrote about her evening with Tom Trento, Pamela Gellar, and Wild Bill

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom really does so on the debt ceiling/CR deal

f/t to Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah for her true article on the loudmouthed moonbat Alan Grayson

f/t to I’m a Man! I’m 41! for his article on the way Washington works now

f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for his bad week for the halfrican queen recommendation

The Grand Old Partisan does a blog entry honoring Richard Nixon as a civil rights visionary

f/t to The Lonely Conservative for giving us the Saturday Funnies

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of HogeWash! for his Prevarication Du Jour as well as his Are you Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

And that is all the news that is news for today. There will be no Red, Right and Blue today due to situations beyond my control. However, if you want to hear me, I am planning on going on the air tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern for the #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio. Hope you can tune in and give me a listen. Also, if you like what I posted, please help out a fellow capitalist and hit the tip jar so I can give you more wonderful news and postings.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It’s a Tumultuous Tuesday

And here’s The News to keep you up to date

Also check out The Layfield Report, Drudge, InstaPundit, and Breitbart for more news

There was no Live At Five yesterday due to it being Columbus Day, but Wombat Socho did find some Linkagery in his mailbox that he had shared with us

And here is Robert Stacy McCain doing what he does best: Laying the smackdown on some moonbats

And speaking of moonbats, Brett Kimberlin, the career lawsuit filer, is back in the news

In peaking about Team Kimberlin, it would seem that another has been called out as a part of it

Here is more about Brett Kimberlin and his cronies of evil

I think Robert Stacy McCain has an idea for a new video: Welfare Moochers Gone Wild 

Robert Stacy McCain also has some very odd topics. Among them:

Planning on going to New York? Well, it is not a good place for the middle class

You watch CNN? You like Don Lemon? Well guess what? Don Lemon hates you

Want to get rid of your Congressman or Senator? Push for term limits

Values Voters Summit or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Give me the VVS any day!

Robert Stacy McCain is writing about Stranahan v. Sherrod pt, 2

Smitty had written about one Libertarian who is upset about Ron Paul endorsing Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia

Want to go on a trip through time? Wombat Socho has an entry about time travel sci-fi books

f/t to Wombat Socho for the Rule 5 and FMJRA posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from other areas of the blogosphere

f/t to Jeff Dunetz of Yid With Lid for his entry Brett Kimberlin could sue me next. Heck, he could sue you next

Jeff also wrote about Leon Panetta blasting Obama's lack of leadership during the shutdown

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of HogeWash! for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as his Quote of the Day and his Prevarication Du Jour

Mr. Hoge also speaks about a new member to #TeamKimberlin

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-Ed entitled The truth about what ObamaCare is really all about

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his entry entitled Obamacare – A Boat Anchor by Any Other Name…

f/t to Dustin Hoyt over at Goldwater Gal for his article on an objectivist look at the debate surrounding the name Washington Redskins

f/t to Howard the Bluegrass Pundit of Bluegrass Pundit for his entry entitled  TSA still harassing people with disabilities (ED NOTE: As one who is disabled, this ticks me off to no end)

I had broadcast on DreamScape Radio (now called Eclipse Radio) on Portal of Dreams from 4 – 7:30 PM Eastern the past two Sundays. In case you missed it, here are my playlists for October 6 and October 13 or check out my tweets under the hashtag #WaveCave

And that is all the news that is news for today. I apologize for not doing it until now, and will explain in another blog entry. Follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for more interesting and entertaining tweets. Also, if you like what you read and want to assist a fellow capitalist, hit the tip jar

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