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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It’s a Wild Wednesday

and here’s The News to keep you up to date on everything

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Breitbart, and Drudge for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news from yesterday and Monday

Robert Stacy McCain has been slowly exposing the rotten stench that is Barrett Brown

Mad props to The Other McCain for reporting the TRUTH about the Zimmerman trial. Since the verdict, they have posted the following:

Mad props also to Wombat Socho for putting out the FMJRA 2.0 (congrats to EBL for winning the FMJRA linkster of the week) and the Rule 5 posts

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been wonderful news posted elsewhere in the blogosphere.

h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed entitled Heroes, villains, and protest events

Craig Andresen of The National Patriot has a wonderful post entitled Welcome to Trayvon’s World

My good friend Zilla Stevenson of Zilla of the Resistance has put up a wonderful update on her health in her blog entry Spots and Plans

h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for her entry entitled Another Guest Cancels on @PiersMorgan– Robert #Zimmerman

h/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his usual Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering? and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also went to court yesterday and here is what he had seen

It has been a couple of weeks but The Patriotic Nurse is Back!!! Check her out.

Stay tuned to this blog and my radio show Red, Right, and Blue as I will be making an announcement this Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern.

And that is all the news that is news for today. As I had said in the last line, I am going to be making an announcement on my show this Saturday, then post it here as well as on my YouTube page. I had already told a few people, but if you want to listen to my announcement, tune in to Own The Narrative this Saturday (the show page and listen is on the Live link) at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central.

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