And here is The News to keep you up to date.
Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.
Liberals want to pretend that a pro-pedophile movement does not exist, but it does. All one has to do is look on Twitter at the #FreeKate hashtag
Robert Stacy McCain has a good entry on Obama being the subject of the sentence
Alec Baldwin is back in the news once more. This time forcing Robert Stacy McCain to agree with Andrew Sullivan of The Dish
Apparently “Cabin Boy” Bill “The Walrus” Schmalfeldt is still obsessed over people who speak truth about him and Brett Kimberlin
Are you a liberal, then you better shout the rallying cry of all liberals when something is wrong under Obama: BLAME BUSH!
And we best get our hip huggers on whenever Princess Nancy Pelosi (Democrat Leader from the 12th Congressional District of California) speaks, as she spreads out the manure real good.
Robert Stacy McCain brings us The Parable of Banging the Babysitter
f/t to Wombat Socho for his FMJRA post of the week
In addition to The Other McCain, there has been other news from the blogosphere
f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for today’s wonderful Op-ed entitled August 6, 2011...American heroes betrayed
f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his article entitled The Gettysburg Address – 150 Years and 2 Minutes Ago…
W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! always entertains with his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as his Quote of the day
Mr. Hoge also delivered a black eye to Obamacare via the National Journal
Jeff Dunetz (aka Yid With Lid) has an article saying the the alarmists on the left are blaming the tornadoes of yesterday on global warming
Bob Belvedere over at The Camp of the Saints has a Socialist carol
Bob also has us Ragnaroking and rolling
My good friend Lee Stranahan has a couple of interesting posts regarding Benghazi on the Lee Stranahan blog. They are as follows:
- The #Benghazi Cover-up Part One : Introduction For Twitter
- Devastating Contradiction In #Benghazi Security Chief Dylan Davies’s Accounts
Sister Toldjah over at the Sister Toldjah Blog has a good article on liberal pundits being mugged by the #ObamaCare reality
I was on the air over at Eclipse Radio yesterday from 4 – 8 PM Eastern highlighting the NFL games. If you missed the show, here is the playlist of all the songs I played.
And that is all the news that is news for today. If you want more, follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) as I retweet a few news tweets automatically and even have other news links.