And here’s The News to keep you up to date
Also, check out The Layfield Report, Drudge, InstaPundit, and Breitbart for more news
ONLY Robert Stacy McCain can compare Sydney Leathers to Tina Lords
Wombat Socho presents 21 books for wonderful summer reading
And Smitty had found a picture of Putin mocking Obama as per usual
Robert Stacy McCain has a wonderful entry on the downfall of America
Welcome to 21st Century America, where mediocrity is celebrated and greatness is ignored
Smitty does have one nice thing to say about Obama (aka #OccupyResoluteDesk)
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from others in the blogosphere
EBL has an entry on Weiner’s Sexting Partner Sydney Leathers, and I have to admit she is definitely a Rule 5 Looker
f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day
Mr. Hoge also has the latest on the "Cabin Boy" Bill "The Walrus" Schmalfeldt – this time Schmalfeldt is trying to rack up some frequent flyer miles or something
My good friend Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom needs a little help. She wants to go to Smart Girl Summit which is held in Indianapolis, and her tip jar is a little low. Help out my fellow capitalist with her dream.
Becca also has a good article on groundswell and the false proposition of objective journalism
f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled Obama and Holder...nothing phony about these two most vile of men
f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume
Da Tech Guy has an Under The Fedora segment over at Zilla of the Resistance entitled, simply, Repeats
And that is all the news that is news for today. If you like what you read please follow me on Twitter @RickBulow1974 (I am at a follow limit but will follow as soon as I can) and also help out a fellow capitalist with the most famous words in blogging: Hit the tip jar.