And here’s The News to keep you up to date
Also, check out The Layfield Report, Drudge, InstaPundit, and Breitbart for more news.
In case you missed it, here is the news from yesterday
And it seemed like Smitty was in the mood for a little creative singing over the weekend
Nowhere in the mainstream media do you ever read about Two gay men using a Russian surrogate to create a boy for a sex abuse ring
This one time, at band camp, Robert Stacy McCain wrote almost 3000 words on young, forbidden love
Robert Stacy McCain is doing yeoman’s work in reporting the #FreeKate meltdown
Robert Stacy McCain poses a very interesting question (as he always does) to the supporters of Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day
h/t to the hard-working Wombat Socho for his never-ending pursuit for Rule 5 and FMJRA links
In addition to Rule 5 and FMJRA, Wombat Socho also provides bloggerific pieces like this about a UCLA Law Professor thinking Sarah Palin is a Confederate Nazi
In addition to The Other McCain, there has been news posted from other intrepid new media reporters all over the blogosphere.
h/t to Jeff Dunetz (aka Yid With Lid) for his entry (written yesterday) entitled Tomorrow July 2, is REALLY Independence Day
h/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day
Mr. Hoge left the full-time workforce yesterday, so if you like what he is writing feel free to employ the most famous words in blogging: hit the tip jar!
It would seem that a certain walrus/cabin boy is spewing more mindless yaksqueeze and is being called out on it. Mr. Hoge has a whole listing of such yaksqueeze:
- #BillSchmalfeldt Gets Something Else Wrong
- What I Saw in February, Part 2
- I Am Not Mrs. Stranahan
- Interesting Spam
- #BillSchmalfeldt and Harassment
- What’s All This, Then?
- #BillSchmalfeldt’s Gone. Again.
- #BillSchmalfeldt Makes a Wrong Guess
- Is #BillSchmalfeldt a Racist?
I would also like to thank Mr. Hoge for positing me in his Great List of Links for the Week
h/t to DariaAnne DiGiovanni for her own Manic Monday post
h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed yesterday entitled They all lied...and this one picture* is the proof
Diane’s op-ed for today is entitled Egyptians demand freedom but will that demand end in civil war
And Diane also has a good point here: Support Israel; Defeat Jihad
h.t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his entry entitled Zimmerman’s Best Defense for Self-Defense is The Prosecution
h/t to PrairieDogSD over at Free Radical Network for his article Character Matters
h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom for a wonderful article on a group called Surfer Blood
And that is all the news that is news. If you like what you hear, feel free to hit the tip jar and help out a capitalist. Also, if you have any suggestions for this blog, place them in the comments below or send them to me via email, Twitter, Facebook, or other venue you may have me on.