And here is The News to get it started right
Also check out InstaPundit, Breitbart, and The Layfield Report for more news
Thinking of going to Harvard? You might want to think again after reading how Harvard has abandoned America
For your #TeamKimberlin moonbat of the day: Bill smallfelt (spelling intentionally wrong) praises Kimberlin, then deletes tweet so none can see it.
And of course, the Left is firing little green footballs Michelle Malkin’s way as well!
You want to know the REAL reason America is in bad shape? Blame the Senate for their priorities being messed up
There are many magnificent articles from the minds of Robert Stacy McCain and Smitty over at The Other McCain. Among them outside of the above are:
- Rising GOP Rock Star Alert: Susan Stimpson Brings It
- Army Update: Good News, Bad News (Update from the Recruit McCain)
- What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make Whose Idea The Sequester Was?
- Preach It, Sessions
In addition to The Other McCain, there is other news happening.
Today marks one year since Andrew Breitbart had died. And the blogosphere is running wild with many tributes to him
- From my own Conservative Blog: Remembering Andrew Breitbart (also crossposted on my Rant Blog and will also be posited on my show editorial tomorrow. More on that later)
- From The Camp of the Saints Blog: Andrew Breitbart – One Year Later
- From Goldwater Gal: Breitbart from the Outside
- From The Dana Show Blog : One Year Later
- From Sunshine State Sarah: The Man in the Arena: Remembering Andrew Breitbart
- From Free Radical Network: RIP, Radical
- From I’m a Man! I’m 41!: Threat Assessment
Even Breitbart had many good articles. Among them:
- My Boy, Sweet Andrew by Orson Bean
- Andrew: One Year Later by Larry Solov
- Meeting Some Guy Named Andrew by Ben Shapiro
- Andrew Understood What Republicans May Never Learn by Lee Stranahan
- Andrew Breitbart's Last Speech to the Team: Seek, and Expose, the Left by Joel B. Pollak
- Remembering Andrew Around the Web by Elizabeth Sheld
- Help us, Andrew Breitbart, You're Our Only Hope by Larry O’Connor
- Pop Cultural Conservatism, Year One A.B. (After Breitbart) by Thaddeus McCotter
- I Miss You, Andrew Breitbart by Jedediah Bila
- The Art of #War by Meredith Dake
We had also found out yesterday that Arlene Mae Breitbart, Andrew’s mother, had passed away. May she rest in peace and may we remember that without her there would have been no Andrew Breitbart.
And here is your Hugo Chavez update from Hogewash: He is still vertical
Due to a little mix up, the TB-TV tribute to Andrew Breitbart was not aired yesterday. However, it will be TONIGHT at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative. There will also be another one on Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern on Red, Right, and Blue.
And that is all the news that is news for today. If you have any comments, please post them below or send them to my email ( or to my Twitter DM (@RickBulow1974) or Facebook. And I am planning a question and answer session so if there is anything you want to know about me please feel free to ask. I will be answering the questions via YouTube.