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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

It’s all downhill from here for the week

And here is The News to get your day going

I have not read Gawker, but this piece from The Other McCain tells me it is a good thing I do not

Ben Shapiro was on Sean Hannity’s TV show last night, and brought up the Left’s biggest bullies

Could Elizabeth Warren be really behind the whole Occupy Wall Street movement? Read this guest post and decide

h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for exposing the Facebook censoring conservatives recently

h/t to Jackie Wellfonder of Raging Against the Rhetoric for her piece on  the perfect job for Social Media Addicts

h/t to Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah for her piece on what Honey Boo Boo's mom does better than Congress

h/t to Judson Phillips for his piece on it's time to be the party of no

Tune in to Red, Right, and Blue this Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative. We will be discussing the Hagel and Brennan picks, as well as more on Facebook censoring conservatives and also a new project on Twitter by Todd Kincannon called Twitter Gulag Defense Network (#TGDN)

And that is all for the news today. If you have any questions, comments, rotten produce you want to toss at me, please contact me at, hit me up on Twitter (@RickBulow1974 or @RickBulow74) or leave a note on Facebook (Red, Right, and Blue or Rick Bulow, New Media) and I will answer it as quickly as possible. You can also visit my board at as well.

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