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Thursday, March 21, 2013

It’s a Thunderous Thursday

And here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Drudge, Breitbart, and Instapundit for more news.

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Tuesday and yesterday

The Other McCain was all over the place at CPAC, and if you did not attend it, because I know I did not, they had been up to date on it with the following:

One thing that I took away from there is just what Robert Stacy McCain had written about: The fight for the 2014 Midterm and the 2016 General begins NOW

Stacy McCain also wrote about what is wrong with the RNC Report that came out Wednesday

Stacy McCain also asks the question: Is Torrington Destined to Be the Next Steubenville?

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been other news out there.

A major h/t to Lee Stranahan who got to the bottom of the whole Steubenville rape debacle. He had posted extensively on this on his Stranahan in Exile blog as well as on Breitbart. Among some of the more recent:

h/t to the wonderful people at Free Radical Network for a piece entitled Obama hates black babies, so give me money

And the Free Radical Network group had a wonderful time at CPAC as well, as evidenced by these two articles:

h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed today entitled Guess who made a quick jaunt to Israel...for the photo-ops of course

h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom for her entry entitled Lee @Stranahan Confronts Brett Kimberlin Photographer at #CPAC2013 BlogBash [VIDEO]

One thing I love about Becca is that she always comes up with some good reading, especially if one is a Quick Quote At Night

Of course, Hogewash always has something good to read, whether it is about #BrettKimberlin and company or a quote of the day. I would think that Mr. Hoge also had some spy or surveillance training at his young age as he offers some tips and then a little more tips.

Also, his Team Kimberlin post of the day is short and sweet.

My friend Larry Lease is undergoing a blog venture of his own. Check him out at Eye on the Nation. Among some of the things to read over there:

Larry also attended CPAC and had written two wonderful reviews of it:

And that is all the news that is news for today. Be sure to check out Red, Right, and Blue on Own The Narrative back at the regular time of 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central on Saturday and also follow it up with Truth Serum with Gerald Harrison at 4 PM Eastern. It is unknown if there will be a MatchCon at 11 PM Eastern so stay tuned to my blog tomorrow for more information. If you like what you had read  so far feel free to hit the tip jar to help support a fellow capitalist. Also, if there is anything you want to know about me, feel free to ask me a question on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) or on Facebook and I will answer them in a video.

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