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Saturday, May 18, 2013

It’s the Weekend

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Breitbart, InstaPundit, and Drudge for more news

h/t to Robert Stacy McCain’s son for getting his wings!

We always knew Barack Obama has amnesia, but this is too much!

It seems that the Obama House of Cards has no foundation with the IRS getting grilled by the House

And it seems that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has a fan club. Why? It beats the ever-loving crud out of me!

What do CNN and Barack Obama have in common? They are both shooting for low ratings.

What do Charles Johnson and Barack Obama have in common? They are both trying to be the least credible in their chosen field.

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been other news reported by other sites as well

h/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his relentless blogging about the perils of #BrettKimberlin. Among them are

h/t to Wayne Dupree of World of NewsNinja2012 for giving us Paul Ryan’s lunch menu

Wayne also exposes the inner layers of the IRS’ amnesia.

h/t to Jackie Wellfonder who is always Raging against the Rhetoric for her piece telling us who Sarah Ingram is.

Jackie is also asking the question “When Will Lois Lerner testify?”

h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom for giving us the #Scandalpalooza theme song

Don’t forget to tune in later on Saturday for three wonderful shows on Own The Narrative, starting with Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern where I will be going over the wild week in news. Then at 4 PM Eastern Gerald Harrison will be unloading another dose of Truth Serum. And then at 11 PM Eastern will be another fun edition of MatchCon with the panel all set. The panel will be as follows:

And that is all the news that is news. For more news and wonderful tweets (including during Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, which you can follow with the hashtag #RedEye) follow me on Twitter.(@RickBulow1974) Also, please feel free to hit the tip jar and help a capitalist out

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