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Thursday, December 27, 2012

68th Rant: Remove Boehner as Speaker of the House


As I had mentioned in my 67th rant, Barack Obama and John Boehner had met the beginning of the month to figure out a way to avoid the fiscal cliff. Just before Christmas Boehner had put forth a “Plan B” which he had pulled off of the table after it was found out that he would not have the required votes for it to pass. Stuff like this had been Boehner’s modus operandi for the past 2 years. Granted, some of the things the House had done in Boehner’s term as Speaker was good, but for the most part it ALMOST felt like we were seeing another term by San Fran Nan Pelosi as House Speaker!

The Republicans kept the House on November 6, but it was a pyrrhic victory as they lost ground in the Senate and lost the chance to win the White House and stop Obama fundamentally transforming America into a Socialist state. There had been some scuttlebutt to replace Boehner as House Speaker, and I am in agreement with that.

There had been many articles floating about online in regards to who SHOULD replace Boehner as House Speaker, and on Red, Right, and Blue last Saturday, Matt Boyle of Breitbart was talking about the division in the House as well as who should replace Boehner. Some possible candidates to replace Boehner are:

I like the pick of Paul Ryan to replace Boehner. I also like Michelle Bachmann to replace Boehner as House Speaker. Of course, those two are IF the Speaker has to come from the House membership. If the Speaker does not have to come from the House membership, then I have a couple of options of my own:

  • Allen West – He lost his House seat in November (due to fraud) to Patrick Murphy. I had thought he was an effective Congressman and as such thought he would make a great Speaker in the future should he have remained in the House. Now that he is not a House member (effective January 3, 2013) I think it would be poetic justice if the majority were to drop Boehner for West
  • Newt Gingrich – Say what you will about Newt as a man and as a 2012 presidential candidate. His term as House Speaker after the Republican Revolution in 1994 gave America a balanced budget after many meetings with Bill Clinton. Newt was an effective bulldog against Clinton in the meetings on the budget and the government shutdown, and we need a bulldog to face Obama now.

We are stuck with Obama for 4 more years. If Boehner keeps the Speakership in 2013, then we look forward to the Republicans losing the House in the 2014 mid-term elections. If that happens, then we will be stuck with either Pelosi as Speaker or (even worse) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as the next House Speaker.


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