And here is The News from Yesterday to keep you up to date
Also, check out The Layfield Report, Breitbart, InstaPundit, and Drudge for more news
h/t to the Wombat Socho for some silliness on YouTube
Robert Stacy McCain shows us just how crazy Kate Hunt’s mom and those who are #FreeKate supporters are
And speaking of kooks, here is an update on another kook, Barrett Brown
It seems that Robert Stacy McCain is on a kook rampage as he posted about Glenn Greenwald
Pamela Gellar of the Atlas Shrugs blog is banned from England, and we have the face of the poltroon behind her banning
Want to go into journalism? avoid these journalism errors and character flaws and you will be all right
Be careful when opening this link
Apparently the Westboro Baptists do not like Country Music. They are bashing Taylor Swift now
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news reported elsewhere
h/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day
Also, I thank Mr. Hoge for mentioning me in his weekly link roundup
Here is the latest on the walrus/cabin boy as well
h/t to I’m a Man! I’m 41! for his article entitled Committee Rules Snooty IRS Witch Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment right…
And here are some random musings from The Lonely Conservative Blog
Aaron Walker of Allergic to Bull has a new article on his latest dealings with the walrus/cabin boy
h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed on the case surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin entitled A dream sidetracked by a case fueled by hate
The Bluegrass Pundit also has an article on the case against George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin
And even Liz Harrison of Goldwater Gal is writing about the witness in the George Zimmerman trial
h/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his Friday Fume
Tune in to Own the Narrative for some wonderful radio today. At 1:30 PM Eastern Billie Cotter and I will be interviewing Diane Sori and Joe Newby on the problems Conservatives are having with Facebook and an event that Diane and Joe are hosting on July 4. Then at 11 PM Eastern will be a wonderful episode of MatchCon. Come check us out and have a lot of fun.
And that is all the news that is news for today. If you have any comment, complaints, or rotten produce, please send it to me via my email, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media outlet. Also let me know in the comments as well. And also help out a fellow capitalist and hit the tip jar!