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Saturday, November 23, 2013

It’s the Weekend

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday, Wednesday and Tuesday as well

Apparently Muslim Warlords decided they had not been talked up more, so they decided to resort to genocide to get noticed once more

Caution: hate troll sockpuppets invading the internet

Not all crazy people are dangerous (I know I am not) but those on the left are

Here is a George W. Bush hater’s grassy knoll

I think some trolls had gone to the liberal school of spelling

Harry Reid is a pederast and also a Senate non traditionalist

Conservatives do not hate their moral superiors as much as the moral superiors hate conservatives

After reading this article, I will go out and have a McRib.

Be careful of people who claim to be community liaisons

Update: Roger Shuler is still a kook

Alec Baldwin is so bad that not even MSNBC will take him back

We have liberal academia at its finest in the form of an English Teacher at a University who cussed at a GOP Congressman

Is sarcasm therapy a cure?

Why did a Virginia State Senator’s son stab him, then commit suicide? We will never know.

Here is an update of the Virginia State Senator who’s son stabbed him, then committed suicide

And now for your worst TV network of the year: Al Jazeera America

Do you claim to be a goddess of a train? Then you are covered by Obamacare

There is a hashtag entitled #TexasWomenForever, but they are really baby killers who are trying (and failed) to raise money online

Speaking of baby killers, Amanda Marcotte is in the news

By the way, those unemployment numbers declining before the 2012 election? They were falsified

Ever since I left Chicago, it has turned into douchebag central

Michelle Malkin rips up Education Secretary Arne Duncan #LikeABoss

f/t to Jeremy Lott for giving us a good man in Robert Stacy McCain 

f/t to Wombat Socho for his Rule 5 post of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed of today entitled On judges, ObamaCare and the nuclear option...issues joined at the hip

Diane also had a good op-ed yesterday on JFK’s presidency, calling him anything but today's Democrat

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as the quote of the day

f/t also to Mr. Hoge for inserting me in his links list

Mr. Hoge also says that there is nothing to see with Obamacare and that we should move along

f/t to Howard the Bluegrass Pundit for posting a wonderful tweet from Rep. Steve Stockman on the Bluegrass Pundit

f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for his post on JFK marking the 50th anniversary of his assassination

f/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for giving us a brand new song by U2

Becca also gives us the truth of the judicial appointments that Obama sent to the Senate

What did Hillary Clinton say about the nuclear option when she was in the Senate? Becca gives us the scoop

And that is all the news that is news for today. I will be on the air with the #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio tomorrow afternoon at 4 PM Eastern, spinning the music you want to hear, so go to and let me know what you want to listen to. And for more news, follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) as I retweet some news here and there from PJNet. And if you like what you read, feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

It’s a Manic Monday

And here is The News to keep you up to date.

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.

Liberals want to pretend that a pro-pedophile movement does not exist, but it does. All one has to do is look on Twitter at the #FreeKate hashtag

Robert Stacy McCain has a good entry on Obama being the subject of the sentence

Alec Baldwin is back in the news once more.  This time forcing Robert Stacy McCain to agree with Andrew Sullivan of The Dish

Apparently “Cabin Boy” Bill “The Walrus” Schmalfeldt is still obsessed over people who speak truth about him and Brett Kimberlin

Are you a liberal, then you better shout the rallying cry of all liberals when something is wrong under Obama: BLAME BUSH!

And we best get our hip huggers on whenever Princess Nancy Pelosi (Democrat Leader from the 12th Congressional District of California) speaks, as she spreads out the manure real good.

Robert Stacy McCain brings us The Parable of Banging the Babysitter

f/t to Wombat Socho for his FMJRA post of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been other news from the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for today’s wonderful Op-ed entitled August 6, 2011...American heroes betrayed

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his article entitled The Gettysburg Address – 150 Years and 2 Minutes Ago…

W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! always entertains with his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as his Quote of the day

Mr. Hoge also delivered a black eye to Obamacare via the National Journal

Jeff Dunetz (aka Yid With Lid) has an article saying the the alarmists on the left are blaming the tornadoes of yesterday on global warming

Bob Belvedere over at The Camp of the Saints has a Socialist carol

Bob also has us Ragnaroking and rolling

My good friend Lee Stranahan has a couple of interesting posts regarding Benghazi on the Lee Stranahan blog. They are as follows:

Sister Toldjah over at the Sister Toldjah Blog has a good article on liberal pundits being mugged by the #ObamaCare reality

I was on the air over at Eclipse Radio yesterday from 4 – 8 PM Eastern highlighting the NFL games. If you missed the show, here is the playlist of all the songs I played.

And that is all the news that is news for today. If you want more, follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) as I retweet a few news tweets automatically and even have other news links.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

It’s the Weekend

And here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news for Thursday (linkagery), Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday

Robert Stacy McCain says that liberals are better than us because they are liberals

There is an idiot liberal who thinks we need moral improvement because he sees a feel-good story

The Feminists fear the Republicans, more so when they have children

The Other McCain has a series on the never-ending #EPICFAIL known as ObamaCare. Read these

Alec Baldwin is back in the news again.This time ripping a TMZ Journalist a new one

The Pro-Abort crowd wants to keep good people off TV for no good reason

Lena Dunham is back in the news. This time with vagina politics

Richard Cohen is knee deep in ObamaCare, and he should take a long walk off an invisible pier

Speaking of Cohen, he is hurling things at plate glass windows

Max Blumenthal fanatics hate the truth. Take a read of these

There is a new sphere of politics now. Weather

It seems that karma is coming back to bite “Cabin Boy” Bill “The Walrus” Schmalfeldt in the ass

And speaking of The Walrus, he has a fantasy named after him

Barrett Brown is doing some writing from his new home, the pokey

Neal Rauhauser is messing with the wrong man, an army man named McCain

Obama is so delusional he thinks that Afghanistan is Benghazi

There is some sort of a Twitter event going on in the VA Attorney General’s race

Ignorance is not an option, but it does have a vote, and it can swing an election to the no talent rodeo clown

Robert Stacy McCain has another article devoted to an accused sex offender

And speaking of sex offenders, the #FreeKate crowd has reared its ugly head

Islamic terrorism is the fear that dare not speak its name

Brett Baier replied to Bill in Kentucky, and Smitty wrote about it

I think Planned Parenthood supports child rape if they obstruct investigation of such

If you are in Boston, The Sicilian Blog Mob will find you

When fighting Iran, remember that no deal is a good deal

f/t to Wombat Socho for his piece on the next generation of Veterans

Wombat Socho also has his usual  FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been news from other parts of the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled Political band-aids do NOT a ‘fix’ make

Diane also wrote about the world taking a collective sigh of relief after the Iranian talks fail

Diane writes about Obama and the Democrats being unhappy which makes us happy

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! has the usual prevarication du jour, Are you pondering what I'm pondering, and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also has a quote of the day

There is a #BillSchmalfeldt status report on Mr. Hoge’s site

Mr. Hoge also has a request for his readers

f/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for her article on ‘Fix’ Already Imploding: (Democrat) Washington State Insurance Commissioner Tells President Obama No

Becca also posts about how rare it is that John Boehner and Howard Dean being in agreement

f/t to Director Blue of American Power Blog for his article entitled The Obamacare implosion is real and it's spectacular!

Here is my playlist from last Sunday’s #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio. I will be on the air this Sunday at 4 PM Eastern if you want to tune in and give me a listen

And that is all the news that is news. Tune in to Red, Right, and Blue tomorrow at 1:30 PM Eastern on Not Politically Correct. It is the same conversation, just in a different place for now. Also follow the hashtag #RedRightBlue during the show, as I will be tweeting on there and your tweets will be read on the air. Also, feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar as the proceeds will go toward upgrading the blogs and the website as well as my message board.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

It’s the Weekend

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

In case you missed it, here is The News for Thursday, Wednesday (List of Links), and Monday

#TeamKimberlin is at it again, and Robert Stacy McCain is right on top of the situation with the following:

Smitty does bring up a few good points in regards to the Virginia Governor’s race this past Tuesday, but I do disagree with him on one point.

f/t to Robert Stacy McCain for his take on the Virginia and New Jersey Governor’s race this past Tuesday

Here is another postmortem on the Virginia Governor race

The Other McCain also has a couple of interesting articles about the incarcerated liberal blogger (as Greg Gutfeld of The Five and Red Eye on Fox News would say, “Is there any other kind?”) Roger Shuler

Obama is quadrupling down on ObamaCare, and the gang at The Other McCain are on the case with the following stories:

Read this article about Jeff Quinton, then go to his site and hit his tip jar

If you want further proof that Wendy Davis is crazier than a pet coon, read this article about her

Do we have a young Heidi Fleiss in the making? I do not know.

In the news of the weird file: A Philadelphia judge bans a woman from using Twitter 

It is messed up that we live in an age to where if you are butt-hurt over something, you take the person to court

Here is a classic case of Liberals destroying higher education

Whatever you do, make sure you stay out of trouble in Denning, New Mexico

Christmas is coming (as well as people’s birthDATES) real soon, and what better gift to give than Hating Breitbart?

If you are still hesitant about homeschooling your children, this should alleviate any hesitation

Still want to keep your children in government school? Then keep a better eye and do a background check on the teachers

Think keeping an eye on the teachers will not work? Then be prepared to pay the consequences

I think this is the first Cirque du Soleil article on The Other McCain

Here is another person with a lengthy criminal history. Are we surprised?

Has Kirsten Powers seen the light? Read this and see for yourself

The more we read about the LAX shooter, the more we see he is a dimbulb

Charlie Sheen is back in the news, and he is not #Winning as people may think

Robert Stacy McCain wrote about the Silence of the Conservative Lambs

It would seem that The Other McCain is supporting Diana West in her struggle against David Horowitz and now Conrad Black

One thing about the Left is they can quote us all they want, but if we quote them then we are the bad guys

Ted Cruz went after Eric Posner of Slate in a hard hitting speech

Smitty wrote about the GOP irritating Dan Riehl of Riehl World View. Very unwise move irritating Dan

f/t to the Wombat Socho for his ever popular FMJRA, though a few days late this week

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been news written elsewhere on the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed of today entitled A dangerous game played by foolish men

Diane also had a wonderful op-ed a couple of days ago (which I had quoted in my 78th rant) entitled Losing by a hair…winning by a RINO

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

f/t to Landon Estay over at Free Radical Network for his piece entitled Quit Being So Stubborn and Unite

Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah has a wonderful article called Barbie was right: Math IS hard

Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom did just that in writing about what Bobby Jindal is proposing as Governor of Louisiana

Jeff Dunetz of Yid With Lid wrote an interesting article on Tom Cruise comparing acting to fighting in Afghanistan

If you missed the #WaveCave this past Sunday, you can check out the Playlist. I will be on the air again tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern over at Eclipse Radio if interested.

And that is all the news that is news for now. I am working on National Novel Writing Month for this month, compiling my editorials from Red, Right, and Blue and putting them in a book. One of the things I had learned is that I can ask for people to donate, just like I would if I were in a Bowl-a-Thon or a Walk-a-Thon. If you want to donate, then hit my NaNoWriMo Tip Jar. And if you like my writing over all, then help out a fellow Capitalist and hit the tip jar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

78th Rant: The Third Party Candidates and the Ruination of Another Election

Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor GETS IT

Democrat Terry McAuliffe was elected Virginia’s governor by a margin of 48% to 46% (1,066,149 to 1,010,929) over Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia’s conservative attorney general. And while Virginia has historically been a conservative-leaning ‘swing state’…a state that backed every Republican presidential candidate from Richard Nixon through George W. Bush and in 2009 elected a Republican governor by 59% to 41%…the entrance of ‘supposed’ Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis into the race spoiled the election for Cuccinelli, who would have won as most of Sarvis’ 6.6% of the vote would have been added to his total (145,762 in actual numbers).

McAuliffe was able to win basically because he ran a highly financed negative campaign (outspending Cuccinelli by over 15+million dollars). By saying over and over ad-nauseum that Cuccinelli was a social conservative who was anti-woman because he vehemently opposed abortion, McAuiffe was able to garner the women’s vote by a 51-42 margin. And by also constantly repeating that Cucchinelli refused to admit that it was the Republicans who were to blame for the recent government shutdown, McAufliffe was able to play to the heavily populated Northern Virginia area, where many work for the government or for government contractors.

But truth be told it was both ‘anything but Libertarian’ Robert Sarvis and a lack of support… including the all important and much needed financial support…by his own Republican Party that cost Cuchinelli the election. Using tactics more Democratic than Libertarian, Sarvis, kept demeaning Cuccinelli’s social issue positions instead of focusing on the Libertarian agenda of small government and individual liberties, leading many to rightfully believe he was ‘planted’ in the race by the Democrats who knew the election was NOT a sure deal after the ObamaCare website and insurance policy cancellation fiascoes.
In fact, software billionaire Joe Liemandt, a Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler, helped pay professional petition circulators to get Robert Sarvis on the ballot as the Libertarian candidate for NO other purpose than to split and syphon off the Republican vote…split and cause friction between the old guard Republican establishment base and the new true conservative Republican grassroots movement...AKA TEA Party Republicans.

And after proving just how successful base splitting was in Virginia with the insertion of unknown Sarvis into the governor’s race, come 2014 and 2016 this base splitting might be the ultimate Democratic strategy they will use anytime a race seems a bit too close for comfort so listen up people…NO third party candidate must be allowed to split the vote ever again…they simply cannot win so voting for a third party candidate is an actual wasted vote or worse yet…a vote for the Democratic opponent. ...

So like I said in the beginning we win some…we lose some…but if we are to take our country back we must start winning more than we lose…and we must do it by supporting TEA Party Republicans over old guard establishment Republicans who are more RINO than true conservatives…and we must turn our backs on all third party candidates, period…and I do mean…period.

Read the whole thing. What Diane had said is so true. Third Party Candidates only serve to divide the vote and cause panic and mayhem. In fact, I had even railed on the third party in my own editorial during the post-election edition of my talk show Red, Right, and Blue right after the 2012 Presidential Election.

Now, as far as who to blame for Romney's loss Tuesday which evidently led to the death of America, I think we ought to lay the blame on the three groups that deserve it. (WARNING: graphic language ahead)

1.) The Occupy movement: Yes I know they are not around in as full of a force as they were this time last year, but they were the major lynchpin in the downfall of America.
2.) The third party HACKS: If it were not for the third party candidates like Virgil Goode, Roseanne Barr, Jill Stein and more importantly Gary FUCKING Johnson I think Mitt Romney would have won the election. Here in Florida, Romney is losing (as the count is still going on) by 64,185 votes. Had the third party candidates (who combined had 68,576 votes with Gary Johnson grabbing 44,418 votes) voted for Romney, then he would have won Florida outright. Hell, I think it would have been the same in the other states as well.

3.) The voting electorate as a whole. In 2009 a video had first been floated about where people who had voted for Obama (who ranged in ages from 18 - 80) were asked simple, basic questions about who was in charge of our nation, who Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were, and other questions about politics that a 5th fucking grader should know, and they had no motherfucking clue on ANY of them! Take a look at this video ( is the link to the 10 minute video) and you will see what I mean.

I know there are others who deserve it as well, but these three groups I mentioned deserve the brunt of it and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. When I say this, I do not mean prosecuted in an actual court but rather in the court of public opinion, where it rightfully belongs.

Read the entire editorial. It would do us good to remember that when it comes down to the GENERAL election to choose ONLY one of the two who actually matter. Why? Because as is so expertly mentioned in a song by Greg X. Volz, there is no room in the middle.

I always bring this up, and I know many are sick of hearing it, but it bears repeating over and over again. As Andrew Breitbart had said at CPAC back in February of 2012, “If you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with that candidate (in this case Romney), more than shame on you. You’re on the other side.”

Andrew Breitbart telling it like it is #WAR

As the last clip shows, are you with us Patriots and REAL AMERICANS or are you on the other side?

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Saturday, November 02, 2013

It’s the Weekend

And here’s The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Drudge, Breitbart, and InstaPundit for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday

Robert Stacy McCain has done yeoman’s work on the reporting of liberal blogger Roger Shuler. Here is just a dose of it:

Robert Stacy McCain has also written in depth about #TeamKimberlin as well. The following are those posts

Even “Cabin Boy” Bill “The Walrus” Schmalfeldt has not escaped the wrath of The Other McCain, as evidenced by the following:

Obama is still pushing for his form of health care, even if the site does not work. Among the links:

In speaking of he petulant man-child, here is a post about him:

Who is Elizabeth Plank? Apparently a special kind of stupid

Are marriage, success and feminism joined? Apparently so, according to The Other McCain

I think the parents should be tried to the full extent of the law for allowing a sex offender to enter a relationship with their daughter

Happy belated Halloween! Here are some Halloween articles:

Sooner or Later: the slogan of the liberal progressives

It seems that CBS is finally coming around to realizing that Benghazi is a scandal

What in the bluest of blue hells is Students for Pleasure?

Organizing for America is out to cripple the Tea Party

Apparently the New York Times hired someone worse than Paul Krugman

f/t to Robert Stacy McCain for getting the news of LAX Shooter

Apparently, Shakespeare is the reason why a Texas Court said it is OK to talk dirty to children

Also, it would seem that Nerdgasm is behind the recent Ender's Game movie

f/t to the Wombat Socho for his usual Rule 5 and FMJRA posts of the week

In addition to the Rule 5 and FMJRA, Wombat Socho had put out a couple of good articles

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere on the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled 1...2...3...4...5...SIX!

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume!

f/t to the Grand Old Partisan for his entry entitled President Reagan signs the Martin Luther King holiday bill

f/t to the Bluegrass Pundit for his entry on Rasmussen: 71% think Obama lied about Obamacare

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering (complete with a bonus issue) and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for writing while NOT waiting on to load

I am regularly planning to on the air with Eclipse Radio on Portal of Dreams every Sunday at 4 PM Eastern. Missed my show last week? You need look no further than to my playlist of songs for that day

And that is all the news that is news for today. No Red, Right, and Blue today, but I will say that I am working on National Novel Writing Month for this month. I will be updating my progress on this blog as well as on youtube, so stay tuned for more details.

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