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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It’s a Wild Wednesday

And here’s The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Twitchy, Wayne Dupree, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.

In case you missed it, here is the news from yesterday and Monday (in the form of linkagery)

Killing babies is never a good thing, but apparently some guy named Tom Kludt thinks it is

How bad is disgraced journalist Stephen Glass? Apparently he is so bad that California declared him morally unfit to practice law there

And the sordid saga of a dead Senate aide who committed suicide continues

And the #BrettKimberlin saga continues with him experiencing more delusions of grandeur

If you want a real #WarOnWomen, look no further than what Obama endorsed in his State of the Union last night

There are times in which even someone on the Right who is despised by mane gets it correct on a controversial topic. Erick Erickson is one who did on the issue of Wendy Davis

It is bad enough when teachers molest students. It is even worse when other teachers do not investigate their own

It is also bad enough when parents abuse their children. It is even worse when parents sell their children for sex

There was another shooting. This time in a mall just outside of Baltimore, Maryland. Was the shooter a Tea Party Extremist as Democrats claim? Actually, no. He was a teen skateboarder

Alicia Gray, the teacher who decided to give a student a little “extra credit” then admitted in a video that it was wrong, had attracted the attention of a Liberty University Law Professor who said her responses clearly demonstrate that most child sexual offenders are extremely self-serving and dangerously manipulative

Robert Stacy McCain successfully gave one person who said the American Dream is dead in the south a severe cyber beatdown

According to liberals and feminists, Wendy Davis might be dishonest about her personal narrative, but it still matters

And in other news, Sarah Silverman is a disgusting liberal footstool

Paul Waldman is carrying the liberal banner of “Vote Democrat, you sluts!

Smitty was a guest on Da Tech Guy’s radio show this past Saturday.In case you missed it, Smitty has a short version of the highlights

f/t to Wombat Socho for his FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed for today entitled Hillary now regrets Benghazi...we've always regretted Hillary

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his article entitled Obama’s SOTU – Doin’ the American Hustle!!!

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering, Team Kimberlin and Quote of the Day, as well as his Prevarication du Jour

Mr. Hoge also gives us a lesson on perjury

f/t to Larry Lease of Eye on the Nation for asking the question Can California Governor Jerry Brown stop Hillary Clinton?

f/t to Liz Harrison (the Goldwater Gal) for her article responding to those who complain about James O'Keefe editing on Battleground Texas

f/t to Donald Douglas of American Power Blog for posting the Tea Party response to the State of the Union by Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah

Donald also gives us a little Rule 5 love in the form of SI Swimsuit model Cintia Decker

f/t to Pete Ingemi (aka Da Tech Guy) for his article entitled What’s Growing in Your Garden?

Pete also gives us a little insight into how the media works in one image

f/t to Joe Brenneman of JBrenn’s Blog for his article Obama’s 2014 SOTU: “A Year Of Action”

Just in case you missed the #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio this past Sunday, here is my playlist. I will not be on the air this Sunday due to Super Bowl Sunday (Go Broncos. I will give the final score prediction in my Weekend blog on Saturday) but keep looking at my Twitter feed (@RickBulow1974) as you just never know when I will be on the air tweeting my songs under the #WaveCave hashtag

And that is all the news that is news for today. Something major is going to happen to my blogs over the next day or two so stay tuned to my Twitter and Facebook for more information. And if you like what you read, feel free to help a capitalist and hit the tip jar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

81st Rant: The 2016 Presidential Primary Election Schedule

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus At the Republican National Committee (RNC) Winter Meeting over the weekend, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus had taken what I think is a major step toward taking the White House back in 2016 by strengthening the nominee (whoever it is, and if we are EVER to take the White House in 2016 we need to follow what Andrew Breitbart had said. More on that below) and empowering the voters during the primary process.

One of the main things he did is shorten the primary process for the goal of having the convention in late June or early July. The following is a list of the rules that were passed to make it happen.

[So] on Friday, we passed new rules to shape the 2016 presidential primary process.

  • First, the “carve out” states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada) will hold their contests in February.
  • Other states can start their contests on or after March 1.
  • Any contest between March 1st and March 14th must allocate delegates on a proportional basis.
  • Any contest after March 14th may choose to allocate delegates proportionally or on a winner-take-all basis.
  • The deadline for selection of alternates and delegates will move from 35 days before the convention to 45 days before the convention.

Campaign 2016 You can read the whole thing on Now while he is on the right path toward having the convention in June or July (which I had said should happen when I wrote my 26th Rant and my 27th Rant on these very topics back in January, 2012) he is doing it wrong. Granted, I know I am but a drop in the Republican Party as a voter and as such have no say in the process, but at least I agree that Priebus is leading the party in the right direction with holding the convention in June or July so as to give our nominee a fighting chance during the dog days of summer and also accomplish a little of what I had mentioned in my 26th Rant.

One thing I would see with [having the voting at the end of the month] is that all of the voting and tabulations would be done by May which means that the nominee would have three months to find a running mate and get the grassroots campaign at least started by getting the main headquarters set up before the convention. Then the day after they give their acceptance speech they can get started on their general election campaign.

You can read the whole thing at This in a sense also brings the dates of the Republican National Convention back to what it was during the first nomination of Ronald Reagan, when the 1980 convention was held July 14 to 17. It is also important to note that even before then the Republicans had traditionally held their conventions as early as the middle of May and as late as mid July from 1856 (when the Republicans held their first convention and nominated John Charles Fremont) until 1952 when they nominated Dwight David Eisenhower.

However, no matter what happens on our side, we all have to coalesce behind the nominee (whoever it is) after the convention because as I had pointed out in various rants during the 2012 election, the only two people who have a VIABLE chance of getting the electoral votes are the Republican and the Democrat nominees regardless of who is running as a minor (ie 3rd party or other party) candidate. We need to remember the words of Andrew Breitbart at CPAC in 2012 when he said the following (f/t to Biff Spackle of Director Blue for the transcript)

I don't care who our candidate is

You want a unity speech? I'll give you a unity speech. I don't care who our candidate is.
I haven't since the beginning of this... ask not what the candidate can do for you, ask what you can do for the candidate!
And that's what the Tea Party is.
We are there to confront [the radical left] on behalf of our candidate!
I will march behind who ever our candidate is. Because if we don't, we lose.
There are two paths! There are two paths! One is America, the other is Occupy! One is America, the other is Occupy! And I don't care, and along the way... I've realized over the last three years that the Republican Party and the conservative movement is not what ABC, CBS and NBC put on the screen.
They try to portray you in the worst possible light... and when I travel around the United States meeting people in the Tea Party who care -- black, white, gay, straight -- anyone that's willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you're not in that bunker 'cause you're not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you. You're on the other side.

keep-calm-breitbart Read that part again: “anyone that's willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you're not in that bunker 'cause you're not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you. You're on the other side.” That is right. We might be zealous and support our candidate in the primary, but when the convention comes around and our candidate is not nominated, we have to support whoever the nominee for the Republican side is after the convention – even if it means holding our nose at the poling place on election day – because when we get to the fork in the road, we have to decide which branch of the fork (and from what I had seen there are only branches of the fork in the road) to go. As Andrew said, one path is America, and the other is Occupy or – since Occupy has dispersed in the middle of 2012 – Socialism. Choose wisely the path you wish to traverse, because there is no going back.

Priebus is taking the first steps to taking the White House back in 2016 with the moving of the convention to late June or early July, as well as moving the first four primaries to February, but we need to take the steps to help our candidate get across the finish line to get nominated. If we can, that is fine. If not, then we need to get behind the candidate that does ultimately get the nomination.

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

It’s the Weekend

And here’s The News to keep you up to date.

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Twitchy, InstaPundit, Wayne Dupree, Breitbart, and Drudge for more news.

And if you missed it, here’s the news from Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday (in the form of linkagery)

It would seem that in addition to being a famous gay activist, you also need to be  famous for child porn habits

When was the last time you were excited about a privacy policy?

It seems we have a congressional staffer who is suffering from the Larry Craig Syndrome of loving young boys

"Pick up the nearest book to you, turn to page 45. The first sentence explains your love life." This theory is an epic fail

There are better things to speak on, but the mainstream media is focusing on one little quote from Mike Huckabee

There are some women who are crazy, and then there are some women who are crazier than a pet coon. This woman falls in the latter category

It seems that Brett Kimberlin was caught in yet another lie. (more below)

Last week was the week of the Republican Scandal

Another teacher is suffering from the Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome

There is a new craze: Revenge Porn

Another day, another school shooting. This time at South Carolina State University

And now it is time for the perfect ad in the personals section

It would seem that Glenn Beck of The Blaze has a a gay agenda

Robert Stacy McCain nailed down the problem with the progressive left: tedious idiots

There is crazy and there is CRAZY. This professor falls under the latter

I predict that in 2014, ObamaCare will be extinct. This according to a wonderful article entitled “ObamaCare Is Doomed

And Florida is not doing anything to debunk the new nickname of the crazy state

Does Chris Christie have yambags large enough for the Republican Governor Association?

There is an articles that takes two steps forward and one step back

Former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie is showing some serious signs that he is out to unseat Senator Mark Warner in Virginia

It would seem that Florida is the home to crazy people and also gay teen porn stars

And here is more about gay teen porn stars

Ahhhh yes. the failures of Government sponsored education

And the “religion of peace” strikes again

The Marxist sports bloggers are coming out of the woodworks

Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Wendy Davis hid the real story of her life

Paul Krugman continues to spout economic inequality, like Obama does

Rule of thumb: Just because you recited the Roman Alphabet, it does not make you a viable (or honest) gubernatorial candidate

Smitty has a good ode to global warming

f/t to The Other McCain for exposing the #JusticeForDrV hoax

Robert Stacy McCain has truth about MSNBC as per usual

The GOP has plans for disaster on ObamaCare

Liberal logic: If you expose a sociopath, you get accused of transphobia

One thing about the left: They are special snowflakes

Supporting Republicans is bad if you are a Latino and are an actress living in California

More on the ObamaCare Death Spiral

Finally, a Mexican accused of murder has been deported after 13 years of crime

I bring good news for bloggers from a federal court

f/t to Wombat Socho for his Rule 5 and FMJRA posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news form elsewhere in the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled The media and the truth...diametrically opposed

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also has some legal news for us

f/t to Sister Toldjah and the Sister Toldjah Blog for exposing the White House launch of another Ministry of Truth division

The Sister Toldjah Blog also has an article on Schumer encouraging Obama to use the IRS against the Tea PArty

f/t to Bella Lower for Lowering the Boom on the White House wanting us to be a part of the State of the Union Address this Tuesday. (then again, this might be a good way for We The People to engage Obama on stuff he does not want to talk about)

f/t to Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah for singing an ode to Wendy Davis

f/t to Dana Loesch for her post entitled Tarantino on Guns

f/t to Conservative Byte for telling conservative to stop playing defense

In case you missed it, here is my playlist from a 7 hour long #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio last Sunday. I am planning on being on the air tomorrow at 3 PM for my usual 4 hours. Not to worry, as my shows are Bieber Free. That is to say, no original Justin Bieber songs.

And that is all the news that is news for today. I might be up at 10 PM tonight to add some tweets during Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld on Fox News Channel. So stay tuned to my Twitter feed (@RickBulow1974) for that as well as for other news throughout the day.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

80th Rant: The Republican Presidential Nomination and 2016

One of my favorite blogs is entitled The Other McCain (no, not THAT McCain but the OTHER guy named McCain) and one of the articles that caught my eye was by Smitty entitled “32 GOP Presidential Choices? Nuts!” In it there was an email from about 32 potential candidates for the presidential nomination. Now Smitty brings up a good point when he said the following:

(a) The next election is in 9 1/2 months, dudes. It’s both more important to focus on the next election, and to understand that how this November goes will inform what happens in 2016 in a major way.

We DO have a very important election in 9.5 months called the midterm elections in which all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 seats in the Senate (a total of 468 members of Congress) are up for grabs. If we focus on that, then we will decide where this country will go for the next two years and then ultimately in 2016. However, just for grinz, Smitty had put the 32 candidates in separate categories. I will posit his categories for all 32 candidates, and then offer my picks in the same categories.

Here are Smitty’s picks:

YES (9)

– Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas
- Nikki Haley, South Carolina governor
- Bobby Jindal, Louisiana governor
– Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor
– Mike Pence, Indiana governor
- Sen. Rand Paul, of Kentucky
- Scott Walker, Wisconsin governor
– Former Rep. Allen West, of Florida
- Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator


- John Bolton, former ambassador to the United Nations
- Ben Carson, author and neurosurgeon
– Rick Perry, Texas governor
- Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state
– Sen. Marco Rubio, of Florida
- Sen. Rob Portman, of Ohio
– Sen. Tim Scott, of South Carolina

NO (11)

- Sen. Kelly Ayotte, of New Hampshire
- Haley Barbour, former Mississippi governor
– Chris Christie, New Jersey governor
– Mitch Daniels, former Indiana governor
- Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor
- Susana Martinez, New Mexico governor
– John Kasich, Ohio governor
- Former Rep. Ron Paul, of Texas
– Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota governor
– Brian Sandoval, Nevada governor
- Sen. John Thune, of South Dakota


- Jeb Bush, former Florida governor
- Rep. Peter King, of New York


– Herman Cain, a radio host–Health concerns
- Newt Gingrich, former House speaker–Be an advisor, sir.
– Rep. Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin–You soiled yourself on the budget deal.

And here are my picks:

YES (7) - Marco Rubio (Florida Senator)
- Ted Cruz (Texas Senator)
- John Bolton (former ambassador to the United Nations)
- Scott Walker (Wisconsin Governor)
-  Nikki Haley (South Carolina Governor)
- Tim Scott (South Carolina Senator)
- Bobby Jindal (Louisiana Governor)
MAYBE (13) - Ben Carson (Author and Neurosurgeon)
- Paul Ryan (Wisconsin Congressman)
- Allen West (Former Florida Congressman)
- Rand Paul (Kentucky Senator)
- Brian Sandoval (Nevada Governor)
- John Kasich (Ohio Governor)
- Condoleezza Rice (Former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush)
- Sarah Palin (Former Alaska Governor)
- Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire Senator)
- Haley Barbour (Former Mississippi Governor)
Mike Pence (Indiana Governor)
- Susanna Martinez (New Mexico Governor)
- John Thune (Former South Dakota Senator)
NO (10) - Jeb Bush (Former Florida Governor)
- Peter King (New York Congressman)
- Rick Santorum (Former Pennsylvania Senator)
- Ron Paul (Former Texas Congressman)
- Mike Huckabee (Former Arkansas Governor)
- Tim Pawlenty (Former Minnesota Governor)
- Rick Perry (Texas Governor)
- Rob Portman (Ohio Senator)
- Chris Christie (New Jersey Governor)
- Mitch Daniels (Former Indiana Governor)
I WILL VOTE OTHER (0) NONE (This is because if I were to vote for other if there were people in this category, then I would in a sense be voting for the Democrat running)
SPECIAL MENTIONS (2) - Herman Cain (Considering his age and also how 2012 was a train wreck for him, he might stay in radio)
- Newt Gingrich (I think he would be good in an advisory position or as Chief of Staff or other insider position for a Republican President)

Do you agree or disagree with my picks? Let me know on Skype (rickbulow74), email (, Facebook ( or on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) where I am wrong. Let us, in the immortal words of one Tony Katz, engage the conversation on this and see where we differ.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

It’s the Weekend

And here is The News (in the form of linkagery) to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Twitchy, Wayne Dupree, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

And in case you missed it, here is the news for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Even though the midterm election is in November, there is a straw poll from highlighting 32 potential presidential candidates for 2016 (I will give my own dissertation on this later)

Some scientists decide that Americans are too stupid to understand global warming

Rule of thumb: If you are a psychiatrist, make sure you do not get arrested with crack cocaine and a dead man

I do not trust Obama even if he heals the earth and causes the oceans to recede

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden has a fan base

There are two types of propaganda in America: Bad and Good

And here is some news from South Africa

There is a huge shakeup at the Orange County Register

Ed Gillespie, former head of the RNC, had come out with a new video

The Word of the Day from The Other McCain: Transmisogyny

Do we really believe that the Sandy Hook shooter was right when he said “I didn't want to seem crazy.”

Maria Shriver calls Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis a star

As much as I despise Ann Coulter, she is a bulldog in calling out the MSNBC sexist pigs

It has been a couple of years in the making, but Democrat Representative Jim Moran of the 8th District in Virginia is retiring from Congress

Here is another teacher suffering from the Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome

Now the World’s Youngest Blogger is an App Reviewer

Robert Stacy McCain just found someone who wants to volunteer for Twitter Victimhood

The most interesting congressional district up fro grabs in November: Nevada's 4th District

Smitty brings up a good point. If Obama has brains, he would be more dangerous

The New York Times has the Koch card in their deck, and they played it in regards to the Democrats' ObamaCare panic

Lena Dunham said that if we are not into her, then that is our problem. I say who would want to be into her or even IN her?

Robert Stacy McCain has a good article on the ‘emerging awareness’ of same sex marriage continuing

Another community organizer had a non-victory in New York on Monday

And now for another episode in the Rocky Horror Reality Show: Translesbians Encounter Queer Hate

There is another military serviceman who rose through the ranks, but got tossed under the bus by the military

The IRS is continuing to cover up the scandal

The University of Colorado has a cultural diversity administrator in ethnic studies fired for phone sex

The Left's bloggers are hiding or denying their own identities

And in other news, Brett Kimberlin allegedly alleges

Speaking of Brett Kimberlin, there was a hearing on Monday

And CNN claims to know Christianity but does not

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-Ed entitled The NSA Scandal…Obama tried to make it go away...he failed

Diane also had a very interesting Op-Ed entitled ObamaCare...just another name for welfare medicine

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin of the day

Thanks to Mr. Hoge for inserting me in his List of Links

f/t to Lee Stranahan for keeping on Deric Lostutter (aka KYAnonymous) for lying

f/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for her Rule 5 birthdate honey of the week, Kate Moss

f/t to Zilla Stevenson of Zilla of the Resistance for reporting that New York is now a totalitarian state

f/t to Sister Toldjah of the Sister Toldjah Blog for her article entitled Report: Majority of #Obamacare enrollees were already covered by other plans

Sister Toldjah also has an entry giving well wishes to Senator Tom Coburn who is retiring from the Senate

And that is all the news that is news for today. I will be on the air tomorrow at 3 PM Eastern on Eclipse Radio with the #WaveCave with the special NFL Conference Championship show. And then I am planning to be back on the air next Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern with Red, Right, and Blue on Own The Narrative. All are welcome to tune in and give me a listen, and if you like what you hear and read, then help out a fellow capitalist and hit the tip jar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, January 13, 2014

It’s a Manic Monday

and here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Wayne Dupree, Twitchy, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

I bet all of America now thinks Obama is a two-bit hoodlum even though many still voted for him.

It would seem like the Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome of teachers having sex with students is alive and well

Here is another dose of teachers suffering from the Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome

f/t to Robert Stacy McCain (as well as Bob Belvedere over at the Camp of the Saints; more below) for rejecting the false premise of egalitarianism

Robert Stacy McCain is also right (with some help from Donald Douglas over at American Power Blog) for proving that idiocy is not a zero-sum game

If these teens were adults, they would be UNDER the jail for this crime. However, since they are teens I think they should be put UNDER the juvenile delinquency facility.

And in other news, Paul Krugman is still a twatwaffle

It is my hope that plus-sized models are a thing of the present and future

It seems like the media is crucifying Chris Christie 24/7 and not spending enough time focusing on Obama

Ariel Sharon has passed on from this life, and I want to send all of Israel my heartfelt sympathies for losing a great man

f/t to Wombat Socho for his Rule 5 and FMJRA posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere.

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled Divert, deflect, and distract...the alphabet media's weapons of choice to protect Obama and Hillary

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his article entitled A Bridge Too Far or…Revenge of the Turds?

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also has a good Quote of the Day

f/t to Larry Lease of Eye on the Nation for his article on Democrats revolting over Obama's proposed cuts to Social Security increases

Larry also asks the question about whether or not Democrats are guilty of war mongering over the Iran sanctions bill

f/t to Donald Douglas of American Power Blog for his article on the creepy, kooky, axe-grinder Roger Shuler

f/t to Bob Belvedere of the Camp of the Saints for his article entitled Slaves to a False and Demonic Force, which The Other McCain had used for rejecting the false premise of egalitarianism

f/t to Dan Riehl over at Riehl World News for his article entitled Cuz Bipartisanship! ‘Impeachment’? Dems escalate NJ bridge probe

In case you missed the #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio yesterday, here is a playlist of all the songs I played. This Sunday due to the NFC and AFC Championship games, I am considering going on the air from 3 PM Eastern (the start of the NFC Championship game) until the AFC Championship ends. Stay tuned to this blog as well as my Twitter and also my DJ board on the Portal of Dreams forum (registration is required to view the forum) for more information.

And that is all the news that is news for today. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about this blog or my writing, please direct them to my email ( or or to my Facebook ( and Twitter (@RickBulow1974) and I will answer them all. Also, if you like what you read and want to see more, feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It’s the Weekend

And here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Wayne Dupree, Twitchy, Breitbart, and Drudge for more news.

And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday (linkagery), Wednesday, Tuesday (linkagery), and Monday

I would like to wish The Other Mrs. McCain a very happy 25th birthDATE

This article gives new meaning to the words “you never know what is hidden on a person’s body and where”

Lena Dunham never ceases to amaze. She opens her mouth, and further eats her foot.

The MainStream (or rather, BlameStream) Media always employs The Maddow Method every time they report the news.

Both of these parents should be UNDER the jail for this unspeakable, deplorable crime

I think we should call Obama “The Cover-Up President

Thanks to the Kardashians, we have Love, Celebrity style trending

Obama is quadrupling down on ObamaCare, not listening to any offers or discussions for offers from Republicans

And here is another example of parents who should be UNDER the jail for unspeakable, deplorable crimes, only this time drugs and spectators were involved.

And speaking of drugs, this is what happens if you mix God and drugs at college

#Shutuppery brings about karma against a Democrat operative in the form of a fellow Democrat

#TeamKimberlin has competition in the stalker category now

And speaking of #TeamKimberlin stalkers, Bill Schmalfeldt is spouting nonsense and threats as per usual

And here is more of the Schmalfeldt meltdown. PURE schadenfreude!

Schmalfeldt is his own one-man circus

Now is not the time to slack off like some did in 2013

It would seem the new Mayor of New Yuck City, Bill DeBlasio, has ties to Wall Street Mortgage Bankers because Social Justice

And speaking of DeBlasio, it seems like he wants to do away with those carriage rides through New York City that people love

And more DeBlasio corruption plans for New York

Here is another story on DeBlasio wanting to ban carriage rides

It seems like Julian Assange of WikiLeaks wants information by hook or by crook

There is online harassment, mostly by the left, but Amanda Hess does not focus on it too much

The weather had been odd this week, and I blame Algore and the lie that is called Climate Change for it

Janet Yellen is the new Fed Reserve Chairman, and it is time she is greeted properly

It would seem that Rocky Horror Picture Show is real as there is a University who has gender-neutral restrooms

The only way Democrats win is because they have the felon vote locked up

The wussification and stupidification of America reigns supreme because the teachers say students are not allowed to fail

And Florida continues to be the craziest state in the United States

Al Qaeda is taking over Fallujah, but Obama knew that would happen because he is orchestrating it

there is a new troll under the bridge on the road to Crazyville

There appears to be a new term in the Democrat lexicon they want to force on us: The Federal Dollar

There is more fear and loathing from David Brooks over the lenient drug policy

It seems the feminists are transphobic

f/t to Wombat Socho for his wonderful FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled 'BridgeGate''s NOT what you think

Diane also wrote other good op-ed’s over the week:

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his Prevarication Du Jour as well as his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day

Mr. Hoge also gives us the adventures of Very Ordinary Seaman Ferguson

If you liked the TV show Gunsmoke, you will LOVE the new internet series Blogsmoke. Mr. Hoge presents us with Episode 18

f/t to Bob Belvedere over at The Camp of the Saints for his article entitled The Red, White and Blue Menace

I would like to take the time and wish the wonderful people at Free Radical Network a very happy anniversary

f/t to Larry Lease at Eye on the Nation for his piece on When Congress Might Lose, They Move

Larry also says that Chris Christie's apology might not be sufficient

f/t to Lee Stranahan for his article on appearing on Dana Loesch's inaugural show on The Blaze

and in speaking of Dana Loesch, here is an excerpt on why she moved to Dallas and joined the Blaze

I would like to give a hearty welcome back to Zilla Stevenson of Zilla of the Resistance and look forward to her 3rd annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere

In case you missed my music show the #WaveCave last Sunday, I have a playlist which you can read here. And I will be on the air with Eclipse Radio tomorrow possibly at 1 PM Eastern due to an event happening at 6 PM which another DJ has been tapped to work.

And that is all the news that is news for today. I have a few irons on the burner which should be rolled out sometime in the next month or two, so stay tuned to my Twitter and Facebook pages as well as my blogs for more information.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

It’s the Weekend

and here is The News (in the form of linkagery) to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, Wayne Dupree, InstaPundit, Twitchy, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.

And in case you missed it, here is more linkagery from Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday

Smitty gives us a little tunage to start off the New Year

It would seem that mental illness and radical feminism go hand in hand

It would seem that people who cannot win arguments are trying to suppress Free Speech

Robert Stacy McCain offers a lesson in efficient dictatorship

This is what happens when we have a lenient drug policy

Florida might be the crazy state but it is better than Illinois

It would seem Matt Yglesias is a non-problem solver

There was a fire in Minneapolis which was started by a gas leak

Operation Take The Senate 2014 is in full shape, targeting Jane Shaheen in New Hampshire, Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, and Kay Hagen in North Carolina

The #BrettKimberlin saga is still in full motion with the following articles:

There is a new holiday tradition in Texas

Robert Stacy McCain predicts that 2014 will be even crazier

Smitty nails down the central problem with Obamacare

There are comedians who are funny and comedians who are not. Dean Obeidallah is not funny

Smitty tells more about the joke that is the Obama Administration

Robert Stacy McCain speaks of a U.S. Hate Preacher (and it is not Phil Robertson)

In addition to Dean Obeidallah on the MSNBC panel, Robert Stacy McCain gives us more MSNBC news:

And there is another instance of SWATting, this time by Game Hackers

Ace of Spades (@AceofSpadesHQ on Twitter) is celebrating 10 years of awesomeness. (I had not read his site all that much, but might have to in 2014)

And now for a weird sex extortion scheme

The ice is so thick in Antarctica now that those with unusually thick heads cannot escape

So Kaitlyn “#FreeKate” Hunt is out of prison on probation. I give her 30 days before she is back behind bars.

We are a month before the Winter Olympic in Sochi, Russia, and there had already been two bombings, one which included a female bomber killing 15 people

Just like the best defense is a good offense, Success is it's own defense

I present to you the perfect metrosexual: Pajama Boy

Many so-called “experts” conveniently omit facts like this in regards to Obamacare, and as we all know facts are a thing

Robots are the wave of the future, and Robert Stacy McCain welcomes them as overlords

Robert Stacy McCain points to an article in Instapundit which tells us to keep the resistance alive

Barbie is going to get a makeover. Now there is a Barbie that is a BBW

There has been another Fake Hate crime in Tennessee

f/t to Wombat Socho for his usual FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week

In addition to The Other McCain, there has been news elsewhere in the blogosphere

f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed for today entitled ObamaCare, the Constitution, and the man who would be King

Diane also says farewell to 2013 in her own unique way

f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume

f/t to Becca Lower for Lowering the Boom on tyrants

Becca also asks the ages old question “Where does the power come from?”

Becca also gives us a little insight from the late, great Andrew Breitbart

f/t to Lee Stranahan for his podcast entitled Andrew Breitbart’s Legacy: Fighting The Institutional Left in 2014

f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as his Quote of the day

Mr. Hoge also speaks about “Baghdad” Bob Schmalfeldt’s new bleg

Mr. Hoge is continuing the “Blogsmoke” series with Episode 17

f/t to Donald Douglas of American Power Blog for his in-depth look at the Auburn upset of Alabama

f/t to The Lonely Conservative for her article on the Detroit Police chief saying that  “Armed citizens can help control crime

In case you missed the final #WaveCave of 2013, here is my playlist. And also tune in tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern for the first #WaveCave of 2014. There are two playoff games tomorrow, but I will be focusing more on other things. You can listen in at and also follow the hashtag #WaveCave on Twitter.

And that is all the news that is news for today. I wish al a very happy New Year and stay tuned to my Twitter (@RickBulow1974) and other blogs as I have some plans for 2014 which I will speak on soon.

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