And here is The News to keep you up to date
Also check out Breitbart, InstaPundit, The Layfield Report, and Drudge for more news
And in case you missed it. here is the news from yesterday
Last night was the debate between Mark Sanford and Curtis Bostic in the Republican Runoff for the right to challenge for the South Carolina Congressional seat vacated by now-Senator Tim Scott. As always, Robert Stacy McCain was on the scene and provided the blow by blow account of the debate and the backlash coming from it.
And there are people who are still defaming Sarah Palin.
For those of you who wanted to see Ashley Judd run against Mitch McConnell for the Kentucky Senate seat in 2014, you are going to have to wait a little longer
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news elsewhere.
h/t to Sister Toldjah for her piece entitled You’re welcome, America: California’s high-speed rail will need a federal bailout
h/t to The Lonely Conservative for her piece on Medicare covering sex changes
If you are wondering what the Everyone Blog About the Howard County State’s Attorney’s Office is about, W.J.J. Hoge has the answers in the following posts:
Mr. Hoge also has wonderful astronomy pictures. Here is a look at the Comet ISON
h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-ed entitled Countdown to gun control...maybe not
h/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume
Becca Lower always has a Quick Note at night on Lowering The Boom
Tune in to Own The Narrative tomorrow as there is always something for everyone. At 1:30 PM Eastern I will be interviewing Joe the Plumber on Red, Right, and Blue. At 4 PM Eastern Gerald Harrison will have another hard hitting dose of Truth Serum for you. And at 11 PM Eastern MatchCon will feature a star studded panel of Liz Harrison (the Goldwater Gal), Kyle Becker of IJReview, Doug Welch of StixBlog, Bill LaRussa (aka Titan92 and @TonyKatzMane) ChowSTL, and I will be a backup just in case.
And that is all the news that is news for today. Follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for news and other factoids. And also remember to hit the tip jar as I will be doing some changes and upgrades to my media network. And if you have anything you want to know about me, feel free to ask me on Twitter or Facebook.