For my editorial this week, I would like to play this video called "If I Wanted America to Fail" by a group called Free Market America. You had probably heard this played earlier in the week and read on many sites that Twitter had suspended their Twitter account because of this video. Well thanks to people like Michelle Malkin and Twitchy Twitter had reinstated their account about 48 – 72 hours later. If you want to read the transcript, you can find it here.
Folks, this video is so true because America IS failing now thanks to those on the Left who are doing all of these things. Last week I had watched “Atlas Shrugged Part 1” online for the 3rd time, and I have to tell you that Atlas is shrugging and shrugging hard. If we do not do anything about the change of where this country is going, we might see America fall and everything we had fought for 236 years ago be for naught. Barack Obama is doing the exact same thing that this video is proposing. We need to, no, we HAVE to, vote him out come November 6. If we do not, then we might as well kiss this country goodbye.