the internet is always hot with The Other McCain bringing The News
h/t to The Other McCain for giving us a scare into the future
And Pope Benedict is leaping into the 21st century by getting into the Twitterverse
And speaking of the the Pontiff joining Twitter, here is FourTier Strategies’ own John LaRosa with a little post from 2009 on What Jesus would tweet
Steven Crowder continues to provoke thought and speaks out against the Union Thuggery in Michigan; first on Fox & Friends yesterday morning then on Hannity last night
Here is a piece from John LaRosa in 2010 on the facts of what the Tea Party is. Had you seen any of those characteristics in the Unions in Michigan or (even better) anywhere else?
h/t to Liz Harrison on her piece in regards to “If you are asking if your tweets are illegal, you are doing it wrong!”
h/t to Donald Douglas for a continuation to his piece on The Blogger's Rules for Defeating Liberals. Don't call them Liberals but Leftists
h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering the Boom for her piece on “Moonbats in the Media”
h/t to the Barracuda Brigade for the article on Harry Belafonte showing his true colors
And that is all for the news. I hope you enjoyed reading and if you DO enjoy what you have read, feel free to hit the tip jar. All proceeds go toward upgrading the blog and also subsequent website and board I am working on. Follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for more information