And here’s The News to keep you in the know
Also, check out The Layfield Report, Breitbart, InstaPundit, and Drudge for more news
And in case you missed it, here is The News from yesterday
After a week’s decline (due to a couple of things I was researching) I had made my way back atop the FMJRA board. For you new bloggers (and even for those of you who blog but have no idea how to get your blog out there in the blogosphere) definitely give a read of Robert Stacy McCain’s magnificent entry entitled "How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog" (written before he got
h/t to Robert Stacy McCain for his piece on March 1 entitled Who Andrew Breitbart Was
Smitty has a wonderful piece about Conservative Daily News’ own Kira Davis with the article Go, Kira Davis!
Smitty also has an idea on how to plan the 2014 CPAC what with all the kerfuffle that is happening this year.
As per usual, Robert Stacy McCain is on the controversies which the traditional media fails to touch for the most part. This time it is MalaysiaGate with the following articles:
- ‘MalaysiaGate’ Day Four: Conspicuous Silence and Convenient Memory Lapses
- ‘MalaysiaGate’ Update: Still More Questions Than Answers (So Far) – March 3
- How Much Cash Did Jerome Armstrong Collect in the ‘MalaysiaGate’ Operation? – March 3
- Malaysians, and Other Foreigners I Might Be Able to Give a Damn About, If You Could Pay Me $389,724.70 to Care – March 2
In addition to The Other McCain, there is other news as well
Going to CPAC from March 14-16? You might need a handy survival guide.
h/t to The Lonely Conservative for her piece entitled Hugo Chavez Dead, Venezuelan Authorities Blame US
And according to Hogewash, Hugo Chávez Ha Muerto
My good friend Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom also has an entry on Chavez’ demise entitled BREAKING: Reuters: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Dead: Vice-President Maduro
h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her piece entitled Op-ed: To the man who should be president
h/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his piece entitled Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!
The Road to WrestleMania just picked up last night with one more match officially made and another unofficially made with a challenge set out there. If you missed Old School Raw or want to relive it, follow this link
And that is all the news that is news. If you like what you read or have any comments on this crop of news, hit the comments below or hit my Twitter account (@RickBulow1974) or my Facebook profile. Also, feel free to hit the tip jar and help a fellow blogger out. Also, I am thinking on doing up a question and answer segment on YouTube so feel free to email me your questions and I will answer them live for you.