And here is The Other McCain with The News to get you over that hump.
h/t to The Other McCain, Liberty News Network, Dana Loesch, Jackie Wellfonder, The Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft, Legal Insurrection, Watchdog Wire, The Camp of the Saints, Da Tech Guy, Notion Tablets, The Daley Gator, American Power, and The Political Hat (so far) for their pieces on the Michigan Union Protests yesterday where Steven Crowder got suckerpunched by a Union Goon named Tony Camargo. I will be working on my own rant on this soonish.
h/t to W.J.J. Hoge on his piece on Union Thuggery.
And in speaking of Hogewash, mad props to him for his piece on #BrettKimberlin attempting to be a detective.
h/t to im41 for his piece on Crowder appearing on Hannity last night.
And here is another good piece on yesterday’s Union Thuggery by im41.
h/t to Becca Lower of Lowering The Boom for her compilation piece on yesterday’s Union Thuggery.
And we have Felicia Cravens (aka the Attack Fish) with a massive major rant on the Union Protest.
And both Felicia Cravens and Trish Proulx had done a special Union Thuggery episode on Own The Narrative last night. As soon as I find the link to the show I will post it up.
And yes, there has been other news outside of the Michigan Union Thuggery. For instance, there was another shooting, this time at an Oregon Mall.
There might be some much needed changes at the polls when Lee County (Florida) residents go to vote in 2014.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi outlaws bath salts, designating them Schedule 1 Controlled Substances which brings a third degree felony for an individual to “sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver” these drugs.
And that is all the news that is news for today. Remember to hit my tip jar if you like what you read on this blog. Also, follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for more news and other information throughout the day.