and here is The News (in the form of linkagery) to keep you up to date
Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Twitchy, Wayne Dupree, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news
And in case you missed it, here is the news from Thursday
South Sudan is a new nation, having broken away from the Muslim regime in Khartoum, and there is already violence against it. Read it in the following articles:
- #SouthSudan: Please, Pray for Peace (WARNING: graphic photo)
- #SouthSudan Update: Obama Urges Calm, Reconciliation, Sends Small U.S. Force
- Quick #SouthSudan Update
- Anarchy in Africa: U.S., U.K. Evacuate as South Sudan Spirals Out of Control UPDATE: Rebels Hit U.N. Mission
- Also, if you want to learn more and keep up to date with the situation in South Sudan, check out the #SouthSudan hashtag
I had mentioned some of the kerfuffle between Phil Robertson (the Duck Commander of Duck Dynasty fame) and A&E here, but The Other McCain has the backlash of it in the following articles:
- MSNBC OMFG: @ChrisLHayes and Guest @RichardKimNYC Talk About Butt Sex
- If @PiersMorgan Hates America So Much, Why Won’t He Just Leave the Country?
- World’s Youngest Blogger: Of Course #IStandWithPhil. Because #Obvious
- Is Phil Robertson Wrong? (the articles which started this whole kerfuffle)
Harvard is the University of Geniuses? Based on the bomb scare Monday, that might not be the case.
f/t to a guest blogger to The Other McCain, Dana from Ohio, for her entry entitled After Obamacare
And in other news, Brett Kimberlin is still in trouble. And Robert Stacy McCain continues to report it, as shown in the following:
- A Brett Kimberlin Christmas: Unexpected Gifts From My Fellow Defendants
- Brett Kimberlin’s Conspiracy Theory and Other Recent Legal Proceedings
A gay couple decided to turn pedophile and expose a 9-year old to STD’s among other things.
Contrary to popular belief by The Washington Times, there is no politically correct purge of Civil War art at the Army War College in Pennsylvania
#PajamaBoy is freaky! (EDITOR’S NOTE: I prefer this song #XMASJAMMIES by the Holderness Family more)
If you support what Robert Stacy McCain does, hit his Freaking Tip Jar and also check out his Amazon Links!
A knife-wielding rape suspect claims the voices in his head were rather specific. I wonder if he is a Rev Theory or Randy Orton fan
While this is cute, I do not know why people do this to their pets.
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere
f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her Op-Ed of yesterday entitled Michelle's gift to America...discuss ObamaCare on Christmas Day
f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his entry entitled Phil Robertson – A Duck of a Different Calling
f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? and Team Kimberlin posts of the day
Mr. Hoge also comes through with the Quote of the day and the ever popular Prevarication du jour.
And of course, Mr. Hoge entertains us with a thrilling rendition of an old TV favorite Gunsmoke, calling this one “Blogsmoke” In fact, he had just released Episode 15 yesterday.
f/t to Charles Patrick Adkins of The Americanist for his entry in defense of Cracker Barrel
f/t to BC of I’m a Man! I’m 41! for his article on Troy Aikman giving advice to Tony Rom(e)o
f/t to Larry Lease over at Eye on the Nation for giving us the inside scoop on what #PajamaBoy tells us about political advertising
And that is all the news that is news for today. Tune in tomorrow as the #WaveCave goes into Christmas (and holiday) mode when I spin nothing but Christmas tunes on Eclipse Radio at 4 PM Eastern. Follow the #WaveCave hashtag and also my Twitter timeline (@RickBulow1974) as I will tweet out my entire playlist. And if you like what you read, please feel free to support a fellow capitalist and hit the tip jar.