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Friday, March 15, 2013

It’s the Weekend

And here is The News to keep you up to date

Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news

And ICYMI, here is the news from yesterday

Robert Stacy McCain and Smitty are reporting LIVE from CPAC, and they report everything you missed watching it online as well as a liveblog from the floor. Here is all that happened yesterday:

Wednesday saw the election and the speech by the new pope, Cardinal Jose Mario Bergoglio of Argentina who took on the name Francis. The Other McCain gave a heartfelt congratulations to Pope Francis, and the Rick Bulow, New Media network (comprised of my three political blogs) also wishes Pope Francis well.

I would also like to congratulate Robert Stacy McCain for being named Editor in Chief of Viral Read.

In addition to the brilliant work of Smitty, Stacy, and of course the Wombat Socho over at The Other McCain for their news, there is other news as well.

I have to give major props to W.J.J. Hoge and Hogewash for his reporting on #TeamKimberlin with the Team Kimberlin Post of the Day

Hogewash is also meandering about CPAC as well if you want to meet him

Cafe Con Leche Republicans is very good at debunking and dispelling the whole birther nonsense surrounding Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.  You can also follow them on Twitter (@CafeConLecheGOP) Among the articles debunking the birther claims:

h/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed today entitled The FB police have crossed the line this time (Also a h/t to Joe Newby of The Examiner for keeping on this issue with his article Facebook bans conservative blogger for link she did not post)

h/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his article yesterday entitled Ft. Hood and the Bronze Star PowerPoint

h/t to Lee Stranahan for his reporting on the Truth about Steubenville from his blog formerly entitled Stranahan in Exile. Here are Wednesday’s highlights:

h/t to Jimmie Bise of The Sundries Shack for his piece entitled The Kincaid Kolumn Kerfuffle

And that is all the news that is news for today. I will be tweeting out my reactions of CPAC today as I watch it on CSPAN and also on The Right Speak page, so follow my Twitter account for highlights. I will also be having my show tomorrow after all of the CPAC meetings. Keep tuned to my Red, Right, and Blue blog for updates on that as well.

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