And here’s The News (in the form of Linkagery) to keep you up to date.
Also, check out The Layfield Report, Twitchy, InstaPundit, Wayne Dupree, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.
And in case you missed it, here is news for Thursday (Linkagery), Wednesday, and Tuesday.
Jesse Myerson has earned the wrath of The Other McCain in a couple of articles. Among them:
Meanwhile, Wombat Socho is giving us some good reading material to use in the cultural war
I had a doctor’s appointment Tuesday, but I do not think I recall answering the Obamacare compulsory race question
Wombat Socho also goes out of his way to give us a list of good hamburger places
In other news, Brett Kimberlin is claiming to be a legend and he is – only in his own mind
The Girl Scouts are now collaborating with Planned Parenthood, an organization notorious for supporting the right to abortion
Time Inc., publisher of Sports Illustrated, Time, and People magazines, has laid off nearly 500 people, including executives
Speaking of Kimberlin, ‘The Court Should Dismiss … With Prejudice in Favor of All Defendants’ in his case against Robert Stacy McCain, W.J.J. Hoge, and others
Ever since Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC had said that the children belong to the community, the question has been raised often. Whose Children Are They?
The CBO report on ObamaCare is out, and here are the facts about the brutal economics of it
CPAC 2014 is just around the corner, and the ultimate blogger award, #BlogBash, is accepting nominations for the yearly awards show honoring the best in the blogosphere
The Other McCain asks another hard-hitting question: Could Jamie Casino Find ‘A Smidgen’ Of Corruption At The IRS?
A teacher who is suffering from the Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome is now facing life in prison for molesting two girls
Philip Seymour Hoffman died Sunday morning, and was mentioned in the following:
And in other news, the Obama Administration is continuing to use the IRS to stonewall conservatives and Obama is asking “What IRS Scandal?”
And in other Kimberlin news, it seems that "Cabin Boy" Bill "The Walrus" Schmalfeldt is still maintaining some sort of insane investment in the case for some unknown reason
The real losers of the Super Bowl this past Sunday? The hard working taxpayers of Illinois
Obama is continuing to spout things that should not be necessary
Sunday was a prime case in what NOT to do as President as Obama just gave a ten minute lesson in #Shutuppery in his interview with Bill O'Reilly
Amanda Bynes was a popular Nickelodeon star who had fallen by the wayside. Has she returned to sanity? Only time will tell
What do Woody Allen and Roman Polanski have in common? They are both geniuses in France
I am originally from the south suburbs of Chicago, and thought I had seen and heard everything. However, this little beaut from Orland Park (which is about 159th street or so) which was exposed first by Megan Fox of PJ Media really takes the cake
Gun control freaks tried to stop Dana Loesch from appearing on The View this past Monday, but many of her supporters would have none of it, and used the hashtag #IStandWithDana to voice their support.
Robert Stacy McCain’s brother was trapped in the weather shutdown of Atlanta, and Stacy decided to turn it into a humorous, snarky situation as only he can do
And in other news, some people on Twitter can be real twatwaffles. Case in point, the #FreeBleeding phenomenon which turned out to be a hoax. (f/t Kim Jossfolk of Just a Conservative Girl blog)
f/t to Wombat Socho for his FMJRA and Rule 5 posts of the week
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from elsewhere in the blogosphere.
f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed entitled Enforce the law...NO need to change the law
Diane also exposes the connection between Benghazi and the race card
Craig Andresen of The National Patriot has no Friday Fume for the week, but he does have a good article on why we should build the Keystone XL Pipeline
f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering? and Team Kimberlin posts of the day, as well as the Quote of the day
Mr. Hoge also entertains us with a new Blogsmoke episode. Today it is Episode 20
Mr. Hoge also gives us another entertaining show in the weekly adventures of Johnny Atsign. February 3rd brought us Episode 8
Jay Leno signed off from The Tonight Show for the last time Thursday, and many had posted about it. Among them:
- Tonight Show’s Jay Leno’s final Monologue – Larry Lease from Eye on the Nation
- Video: Jay Leno’s last Tonight Show – The Americanist
- Jay Leno Gives Tearful Final Farewell – Jackie Wellfonder of Raging Against the Rhetoric
Larry also wrote a very interesting article entitled GOP Needs a New Playbook
f/t and congratulations to Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah for her one year anniversary of moving to Texas
I was not on the air with the #WaveCave last Sunday on Eclipse Radio due to me live blogging the Snoozefest known as Super Bowl XLVIII. However, I am planning on being on the air tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern spinning my usual eclectic mix of music. I will definitely tweet out my playlist and (now with the addition of could also live blog my show as well.
And that is all the news that is news for today. Follow me on Twitter (@RickBulow1974) for more news and music this weekend. And if you like wht you read, please feel free to help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.