And here is The News to keep you up to date
Also, check out The Layfield Report, InstaPundit, Twitchy, Wayne Dupree, Drudge, and Breitbart for more news.
Brett Kimberlin is still creating problems in the blogosphere. Among the articles highlighting the problems:
There is a clarion call from The Other McCain to have Chris Cassone play at CPAC 2014
It turns out the Sandy Hook school shooter was also a gay pedophile
f/t to Mark Steyn for giving a thin-skinned bully, notorious “scientist” Michael Mann, a royal beatdown
The “Mary Kay Letourneau syndrome” takes a bowling shoe ugly turn
Major f/t to Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas for exposing the mainstream media as Obama's "Palace Guard"
Environmentalist Wackos (f/t Rush Limbaugh) are flocking to the aid of an anti-fracking scientist who says “Fuck the children. Save the planet!”
One of the major takeaways from Obama’s State of the Union speech is that he is endorsing feminist dogma
Smitty has a perfect response to the State of the Union from a veteran, who only had one word for it
In addition to The Other McCain, there is news from others in the blogosphere
f/t to Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor for her op-ed of yesterday entitled Except for one...shameful cowards all
Diane also has a good take on Obama’s State of the Union in her op-ed of Thursday entitled The State of the (Dis)Union Speech
f/t to Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for his usual Friday Fume
f/t to W.J.J. Hoge of Hogewash! for his usual Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering, Team Kimberlin, and Quote of the Day
Mr. Hoge also thanks people for the links from other blogs to his site
f/t to Larry Lease of Eye on the Nation for his article regarding the conviction of Amanda Knox (aka “Foxy Knoxy”) and whether the United States should extradite her or not
Larry also has the news on the United States Government seeking the death penalty on the Boston Marathon Bomber
f/t to Bob Belvedere of The Camp of the Saints for his article entitled Collaboration In Wartime: The GOP As Modern Quislings
Bob also has a translation of the official GOP response to the State of the Union Address
Doug Ross over at Director Blue has a few wonderful linkagery with today’s version of Larwyn’s Lynx
f/t to Michael Zak of The Grand Old Partisan for his article entitled Vice President George Edmunds
f/t to Felicia Cravens over at Free Radical Network for her article entitled The Hard Right
The project that I had in mind is slowly coming into play, and as George “Hannibal” Smith of the hit 1980’s TV show always says at the end of an episode, “I love it when a plan comes together.” The plan in this case being my own website and domain name. The address is and the blog (entitled “Rick’s Crazed World” because it will be a hodgepodge of different categories and items from my crazed mind) is at Also, I will be having a message board at for anyone to leave me messages and where I will also have a few educational items. The blog will be open tomorrow just in time for me to live blog the Super Bowl between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks.
Speaking of the Super Bowl, my pick for the Super Bowl is that the Broncos win 49-21 with either Peyton Manning, Wes Welker, or Eric Decker getting the MVP. What you will see most during the Super Bowl is The Sherman Tank (aka Seattle Cornerback Richard Sherman) getting Deckered by the Manning Bomb.
And that is all the news that is news for today. Not only will I be live blogging the Super Bowl tomorrow, but I will also be live tweeting it as well as there will be no #WaveCave on Eclipse Radio tomorrow for now. Stay tuned to my Twitter feed (@RickBulow1974) for more information. And if you like what you read, please help out a capitalist and hit the tip jar.